HOLY FATHERS: Bede, Isidore, Theodoret.

REFORMED: Borrhaus, Burman, Cuperus, Drusius, Gwalther,[1] Lavater,[2] Mercerus,[3] Wolf. English: Arthur Jackson, Fuller,[4] Mayer, Richard Bernard,[5] Topsell.[6]
LUTHERAN: Balduin, Brentius, Heling, Sarcerius, Kerner.
ROMAN CATHOLIC: Acosta, Bonfrerius, Celada,[7] Crommius,[8] Fevardentius,[9] Malvenda, Rupertus, Sanchez,[10] Tostatus Abulensis, Cajetan, Serarius.
HEBREWS: אצרת שמואל of Rabbi Samuel de Uzeda,[11]משה עיני of Rabbi Moshe Alschish,[12] Joseph ibn Yahya,[13] Isaac ben Arama,[14] Lechem Secarim.
Let the Interpreters of the Books of the Old Testament be added.
[1]Argumenta omnium, tam Veteris quam Novi Testamenti, capitum. Gualther had a hand in publishing Bibliander’s sermons on Ruth. [2]Liber Ruth: homiliis XXVIII expositus. [3]Commentarii locupletissimi in vates quinque priores, inter eos qui minores vocantur. [4]A comment on Ruth; and, Notes upon Jonah. Thomas Fuller (1608-1661) was an English churchman, Royalist, and historian of the English Civil War. [5]Ruth’s Recompense. Richard Bernard (1568-1641) was an English clergyman. Although Puritan in his convictions, Bernard was against separation. [6]The Reward of Religion. Edward Topsell (c. 1572-1625) was an Anglican churchman, but perhaps most well-known for his The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents. [7]In Rutham commentarii litterales et morales. Diego de Celada (1586-1661) was a Spanish Jesuit. [8] Adrianus Crommius (1590-1651) was a Dutch Jesuit. He served as Professor of Theology at Louvain, and also taught Hebrew, although equally skilled in Greek and Arabic. In addition to a Gospel harmony, Crommius also wrote commentaries on Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Job, and the Apocryphal books of Tobit and Judith. [9] Francis Fevardentius (1541-1610) was a French Franciscan, and a virulent opponent of the Reformation. He wrote commentaries on Ruth Esther, Job, Jonah, the two Epistles of Peter, the Epistles of Jude and James, the Epistle of Philemon, and others. [10]In libros Ruth, Esdræ, Nehemiæ, Tobiæ, Iudith, Esther, Machabaeorum commentarii. Gasper Sanchez (1554-1628) was a Jesuit scholar, and served as Professor of Divinity at Alcala. He also wrote commentaries upon Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Song of Solomon. [11] Rabbi Samuel ben Isaac de Uçeda (sixteenth century) was a Rabbi, serving in Safed, and later in Constantinople. He wrote commentaries upon Ruth and Lamentations. [12] Little is known about the life of Rabbi Moses Alshich (1508-1593). He belonged to a circle of Kabbalists at Safed, but his own writing shows little Kabbalistic influence. He composed commentaries, not only on Ruth, but on almost the entire Old Testament. [13] Joseph ben David ibn Yahya (1494-1534) was an Italian exegete, scholar, and philosopher. He wrote a commentary on the Megilloth. [14] Isaac ben Moses Arama (c. 1420-1494) was a Spanish rabbi. He wrote Talmudic and philosophical commentaries upon the Pentateuch (a classic in Jewish homiletics), the Five Scrolls (Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther), and Proverbs.
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