5. The Chronology of Genesis is interwoven. As far as Chronology is concerned, this book covers the history of about two thousand and three hundred years. For from the beginning of the world to the flood there were one thousand, six hundred and fifty-six years; thence unto the calling of Abraham, four hundred and twenty-seven years; from the calling of Abraham to the descent into Egypt, two hundred and fifteen years; thence unto the death of Joseph, seventy-one years: and so there were two thousand, three hundred and sixty-nine years. Of this Chronology of Genesis we have exhibited a fuller demonstration in Historia Patriarcharum.
Dr. Dilday's Lecture: "After Eden... (Part 1)"
Dr. Dilday's Lecture: "After Eden... (Part 2)"
In interpretation, it is said that context is key and king.
The Book of Genesis provides the broadest possible contextual considerations: the creation of all things, the fall of man, the promise of Redemption in the Savior Christ, the overspreading of the earth, the calling of the Hebrews, etc.
This precious book is certainly worthy of our focused attention.
Join us for our Introduction to the Old Testament: www.fromreformationtoreformation.com/old-testament-survey-class-page .