WELCOME TO WEEK 1. I'm so excited!
This week is a bit unusual, since we have some preparatory work to do. But here is how to proceed in order to get the most out of this week's study:
1. First of all, you will want to watch the videos. Normally the week's video lesson will be more extensive; but, because of the nature of this week's introductory studies, there will be a little more reading and a little less watching.
Also, I have some exciting news. I am looking into the possibility of enriching the video part of the video presentation, and it looks like there are options. So, hopefully the videos will be improving soon.
2. For the past 2000 years, some of the greatest minds in the history of the world have reflected upon and wrestled with this enigmatic prophecy. Below I have recommended some commentaries, with links so that you may procure what you wish. You may want to choose one to follow along.
3. Some years ago now, I translated Matthew Poole's Latin Synopsis on the Book of Revelation (~1000 pages in translation). It is basically a verse-by-verse history of interpretation, bringing together the best interpreters, Jewish, Patristic, Medieval, Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed. To support our studies together, I am going to be revising and updating the translation as we go, and providing links to the revised portions, so that we might read along together.
Also, on the Poole blog feel free to ask questions, to comment, and to dialogue with me and the other students. We will all be greatly enriched by interaction.
This week, new readings will be posted on a daily basis. So, visit this page on a daily basis so that you can keep up with the reading.
4. My recommendations for a graduated approach, so that you can tailor your studies to your own schedule: a. Everyone should watch the video. The best material will be presented and summarized there. b. If you have time and inclination to go a little deeper, keep up with the readings from Matthew Poole. Once we get into the rhythm of the study, you can probably keep up with this reading in only minutes per day (the amount of Poole reading this first week is unusual). c. If you are wanting to go yet further, follow along in E.B. Elliott's Horae Apocalypticae. Elliott's work is compelling; but, be warned, it is fair amount of reading.
May the Most High God bless your studies this week.