From Reformation to Reformation

In the Time between Reformations
How Important is a Sound Foundation?
The Promise of the Messiah
To many ... even Evangelical Christians ... the Old Testament is little more than the laws, history, traditions, and customs of a people long dead. Consequently, the Old Testament is read and studied with little enthusiasm.
However, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Teacher of the Church, tells us that the Old Testament is ultimately about Himself--His suffering for sin, His victory over the grave, and the publication of His glorious salvation to the world (Luke 24:44-47). Now, that is something about which every Christian heart can be excited about!
Is this true? Can it be that the Old Testament is really all about our precious Savior?
Join us as we survey the Old Testament together, learning to see Christ in all.
The Promise of the Messiah Fulfilled
In Old Testament Survey, the case was made that ultimately the Old Testament was all about the coming of the Savior Christ and His glorious salvation (Luke 24:44-47). What was promised in the Old Testament is now proclaimed as fulfilled in the New Testament! Every promise of God is "Yes" and "Amen" in Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20)!
Join us as we consider Christ, the glorious fulfillment of all things, in the pages of the New Testament!
Introductory Theology:
Christ-centered Catechesis

Join us as we consider the fundamentals of the Christian Faith in four parts:
1. The Apostle's Creed: Foundations of the Christian Faith
2. The Ten Commandments: Foundations of Christian Ethics
3. The Lord's Prayer: Foundations of Communion with God
4. The Sacraments