A further Difference of Definition is taken from the Subject. That is, Revealed Theology has been designed for the education of Man, whom we just now considered as the Secondary Object of Theology as well. When we contemplate Man as Fallen, to whom this doctrine, like a plank after a shipwreck, was given, that he might rise again from his fall, Psalm 19:7; 2 Timothy 3:17, while the natural Theology of man in his Integrity was previously treated in § 16, which will recur in Chapter XIV: but, even if Revelation also came to man in his integrity, yet all his Theology was Legal; on the other hand, the Revealed Theology of Fallen man also deserves to be called Evangelical and Christian under the New Testament.
See Wendelin on matters pertaining to Natural and Revealed Theology: www.fromreformationtoreformation.com/introductory-theology
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