Finally, in the Difference of the Definition is mentioned its End; the supreme End of Revealed Theology is the Glory of God; which He set before Himself in all His works, Proverbs 16:4, but especially in Redemption, 1 Peter 2:9, and its doctrine, Ephesians 3:10, even as Redemption and its doctrine show forth most perfectly the Glory of God, through a demonstration of His highest attributes.
The subordinate End is the Salvation of the Elect, John 20:31; Titus 1:2. Because, of course, in the Salvation of the Elect the Attributes of God shall be most gloriously manifested, and shall be most perfectly acknowledged and celebrated forever by Those Saved, 2 Thessalonians 1:10; hence the Salvation of the Elect shall be as advantageous as possible to the Glory of God as the supreme End; and hence the whole work of Redemption has subordinate End, the leading of the Elect unto Salvation.
That here and frequently in what follows the Glory of God is considered rightly in the Definitions as the Supreme End, to which the Salvation of the Elect is subordinated, you will see confirmed in de Nederlandse Bibliotheek, volume 2, n. 4, pages 230-234.
Westminster Shorter Catechism 1: What is the chief end of man?
Answer: Man's chief end is to glorify God1 and to enjoy him forever.2
1 1 Cor. 10:31; Rom. 11:36
2 Ps. 73:25-28
See Wendelin on matters pertaining to Natural and Revealed Theology: www.fromreformationtoreformation.com/introductory-theology
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