But, as Socinus teaches that it is consistent with the Divine Nature to inflict punishments on the impenitent, so also Crellius, de Attributis Dei, chapter XXIII, page 95b, in the place which we just now cited, confesses that neither the Holiness nor Majesty of God bears in every situation that His commandments might be violated with impunity. By this very thing he sufficiently acknowledges that the Divine Holiness requires that God exact punishments of the sinner. Add what things are found on the following page, 96a, To this it is able to be referred, that God is often called Jealous; although especially for this cause, that He is unwilling to bear a competitor and rival for His honor, and exacts vengeance upon idolaters, as we will explain below: nevertheless, that is able rightfully to be extended to a disposition to punish all the other sinners as well. Therefore, if God is called Jealous, because He actually exacts vengeance of Idolaters, and our Adversary concedes that that is able rightfully to be extended to all other sinners: then God verily exacts vengeance of all sinners; and that indeed, because He is Jealous, which title pertains to His Natural Holiness, as we explained in § 10. But I, lest I be overly long, will pass over in silence what things the Same Crellius relates in de Attributis Dei, chapter XXV, pages 79, 80, concerning particular Righteousness/Justice, attributing to each his own, which he also attributed to God, and according to which he maintains that rewards and punishments are to be distributed by Him; the latter indeed in this manner, that the injury might determine both the person to be punished and the magnitude of the punishment: and I will set forth this one thing, that of the Divine Holiness in the same chapter it is read on page 89a, The so great Holiness of God brings it to pass that He vehemently hates impiety in others, and piety contrariwise, and on account of that also loves men given to that and delights in them. Whence it follows that only the latter have communion with God, and are going to obtain eternal blessedness, 1 John 1:7: contrariwise, the impious, unless they repent, are perpetually going to be abominable to Him, and are going to pay the most grievous penalties (yet not consisting in the mere annihilation of the subject). I conclude that 1 John 1:7 has been put in the place of 1 John 2:17. But thus we have that which we maintain: God by His Holiness is not able to admit the impious to His communion; contrariwise, they shall pay the most grievous penalties, unless they repent. But only those chosen unto eternal life repent and believe, and Christ Himself, being acceptable to the Father, pays the price of redemption for them. And thus sometimes His enemies are unwillingly compelled to give testimony to the Truth: in such a way that, with the Divine Nature procuring, we are able to kill τοὺς ἀντιλέγοντας, those opposing, with their own sword. Καὶ ταῦτα μὲν δὴ ταῦτα, so much for these things.