4. The argument of the Epistle.

Therefore, Saint Paul, thus complaining of the Corinthians’ sad divisions, urges unity and concord, sets the simplicity of his doctrine in opposition to the vanity of the False Apostles, and severely rebukes the wicked, especially those tolerating the incestuous man, those contending before the judges of the unbelievers over matters βιωτικαῖς, pertaining to this life,[1] and of no value, and those not abhorring uncleanness as they ought; informs them concerning virginity and marriage, sacrifices to idols, observing order and decorum in the Church, rightly attending upon the communion of the Lord’s Supper, and spiritual gifts; and with the utmost gravity confirms the article of the resurrection of the dead. In variety of matter, therefore, this Epistle is second to none; and it contains a large share of those δυσνοήτῶν, things hard to be understood, which Saint Peter mentions in 2 Peter 3:16. Which things, nevertheless, are occupied concerning historical matters rather than the faith.
[1] 1 Corinthians 6:3: “Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life (βιωτικά)?”
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