5. It was written in the Greek idiom, not the Hebrew.

That this Epistle was written in the Hebrew idiom, and translated into the Greek language by Mark, some incorrectly gather out of Jerome’s Epistle 150 to Hedibia. Jerome does indeed say that the two Epistles ascribed to Peter differ in style and character, and the construction of words. But by character he indicates, not the language in which each was written, but the manner of speaking, and the propriety of speech.
Bernardinus De Moor's Didactico-Elenctic Theology, volume 2: 'That the FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER was also written in Hebrew is to our AUTHOR a tradition similarly to be repudiated: concerning which the Most Illustrious WOLF in his Curis Philologicis et criticis, præfatione ad hanc Epistolam, writes: “That it was written in Hebrew, but translated into Greek by Mark, one, unless I am mistaken, Baronius, without appearance of truth, supposes in his Annalibus ad Annum Christi 45, n. 28, 37.” Notwithstanding, Baronius appeals to JEROME, Epistolis CXLV, question XI, ad Hedibiam, opera, tome 3, page 151, “Thus far,” says he, “concerning the Epistle of Peter; which without any doubt was always received with the consent of the entire Catholic Church; and wh…
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