The parts:

I. Narration of the journeys of Saint Paul, with various digressions interspersed: chapters 1-9: in which are:
1. A narration of those things that happened to Saint Paul in Asia: chapter 1:1-14.
2. The reason for the hindrance to his coming:
a. Not lightness, but so that he might spare the Corinthians: chapter 1:15-24.
b. So that sorrow might not afflict them: chapter 2:1-11.
3. The journey into Macedonia: chapters 2:12-7:4: in which are:
a. The reason for the journey into Macedonia: chapter 2:12, 13.
b. A digression, in which:
α. He commends the sincerity of his Gospel: chapter 2:14-17.
β. He extols his ministry above the ministry of the law: chapter 3.
γ. He explains his method of preaching in sincerity, not without manifold infirmity: chapter 4.
δ. He asserts the hope of glory, and the effects of his ministry: chapter 5.
ε. He advises the Preachers of the Gospel and the Corinthians of their duty: chapter 6.
ζ. He clears himself of affected tyranny: chapter 7:1-4.
4. His coming into Macedonia: chapters 7:5-9:15: in which are:
a. His coming into Macedonia, his joy on account of Titus, his affections toward the Corinthians: chapter 7:5-16.
b. His exhortation to liberality, with the examples of the Macedonians, of Christ, etc.: chapter 8.
c. His exhortation to have alms in readiness against his coming: chapter 9.

II. His Apology on his own behalf: chapters 10-13: in which:
1. He shows the efficacy of his own ministry, and the vanity of his rivals: chapter 10.
2. Exhorting them to apply faith to Christ their husband, he contrasts himself with his rivals: chapter 11.
3. He recounts the revelations given to him, and his own infirmity, and his honesty toward the Corinthians: chapter 12.
4. Threatening severity in his coming, he closes: chapter 13.
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