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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 John: Authorship

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

1. The Author of the Epistle is the Apostle John, not an Ephesian Elder differing from him, as Grotius imagines, whose arguments are refuted.

Hugo Grotius

That this Epistle, and that which follows, were written, not by the Apostle John, but by some Ephesian Elder by the name of John, Hugo Grotius undertakes to prove from the testimonies of Eusebius and Jerome. But Irenæus, more ancient than both, assigned that to the Apostle John without hesitation, book I against Heresies, chapter 13: John, the disciple of the Lord, has enlarges the condemnation against them, not willing that a greeting be spoken to them by us: For whoever says to them, Greetings, etc., verse 11. And no reason appears, why that should be claimed for any other than Saint John the Apostle, with the style, words, and thoughts being fully consistent with him. For, that he calls himself πρεσβύτερον, the elder, does not argue that the Epistle was not written by the Apostle John, as Grotius insists. He callse himself the elder, if not on account of the dignity belonging to all the Apostles, certainly on account of his age. For as an old man, and with his age pressed beyond endurance and his Apostolic duty fulfilled, and like a parent to children, he wrote the Epistle. It was also customary for Saint John to avoid mentioning, rather than to express, his name, whether for fear of persecution, or for other reasons. Neither does it hinder that these Epistles were not immediately received into the canon, or expressed in vernacular versions. For they were not marked with a public character, nor with the name of the author. Nevertheless, it is evident that they were a short time thereafter adopted into the canon, and that this inscription was prefixed by the Church: Ἰωάννου τοῦ Ἀποστόλου ἐπιστολὴ καθολικὴ δευτέρα, the Second Catholic Epistle of the Apostle John. Moreover, the Most Illustrious Gomarus, pages 741, etc., solidly vindicated the authority of this and the following Epistle against some ancients, and also more recent men, Cajetan, Luther, Flaccius, Hafenreffer,[1] etc.

[1] Matthias Hefenreffer (1561-1619) was a German Lutheran theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Tubingen (1592-1619).


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Feb 12, 2022

Dr. Dilday's Sermon: "Servant-Leadership of the Elders"

1) Introduction

2) Analysis

a) Outline of the salutation

1) The sender

2) The recipient

3) The greeting

b) The sender: the elder (Ὁ πρεσβύτερος, ho presbuteros)

Papias, quoted in Eusebius’ Church History 3:39:4: And again, if any one came who had been a follower of the Elders, I used to enquire about they sayings of the Elders—what was said by Andrew, or by Peter, or by Philip, or by Thomas or James, or by John or Matthew, or any other of the Lord’s disciples, and what Aristion and the Elder John, the disciples of the Lord, say. For I did not think that I could get so much profit from th…


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Feb 12, 2022

Dr. Dilday's Sermon: "The Canonicity of 2 John"

1) Introduction

2) Analysis

a) Verse 1

1) The sender: the elder (Ὁ πρεσβύτερος, ho presbuteros)

(a) Problems:

(a) Who is “the elder”?

(b) Does this epistle belong in the Canon?

(b) The identity of “the elder” (authorship)

(a) Evidence for Johannine authorship

(i) Irenæus’ witness

(ii) The Muratorian Fragment

The fourth gospel is that of John, one of the disciples…. The Epistle of Jude indeed, and two bearing the name of John, are accepted in the Catholic Church…

(iii) Clement of Alexandria’s witness

Stromata 2:15: John, too, manifestly teaches the differences of sins, in his larger Epistle…

(iv) Internal evidence

(v) Evaluation

(b) Evidence against Johannine authorship (with responses)


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Feb 12, 2022

Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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