The Interpreters of this book are generally the same as they were of the prior book. Of the English, let William Guild[1] be added.
Let the Interpreters of the Books of the Old Testament be added.
[1]The throne of David, or An exposition of the second of Samuell wherein is set downe the pattern of a pious and prudent Prince. William Guild (1586-1657) was a Scottish minister and theologian. Although he subscribed the National Covenant, he never presented any firm opposition to Episcopacy.
Old Testament Survey! www.fromreformationtoreformation.com/old-testament-survey-class-page
See Heidegger's list of Interpreters of 1 Samuel: https://www.fromreformationtoreformation.com/post/heidegger-s-bible-handbook-1-samuel-interpreters .