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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Exodus: Lutheran Interpreters

Johann Georg Dorsche

LUTHERAN: Constantinus Phrygio,[1] Pelargus,[2] Terserus,[3] Varenius,[4] Dorsche.[5]

[1] In Exodum. Paulus Constantinus Phrygio (1483-1543) was a German reformer and theologian. He served as Professor of Old Testament at Basel (1529-1535), and Professor of Theology at Tubingen (1535-1543).

[2] In secundum Librum Mosaicum, Exodum. Christoph Pelargus (1565-1633) was a German Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Frankfurt (1591-1633).

[3] Exodus et in eam annotationes. Johannes Elai Terserus (1605-1678) was a Swedish Lutheran churchman, exegete, and theologian. He labored for the unity of the Church in Sweden, Germany, and Finland.

[4] Decades Mosaicae: In duos priores Libros Pentateuchi Genesin et Exodum. August Varenius (1620-1684) was a German Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Hebrew and Catechesis (1644-1663) and Professor of Theology (1663-1684) at Rostock.

[5] Sylloges vindiciarum et animadversionum ad Bellarmini Cardinalis in quatuor Tomis Controversiarum factas allegationes ex Exodi Mosaicæ 1 - 4. Johann Georg Dorsche (1597-1659) was a German Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Strasburg (1627-1653) and at Rostock (1654-1659).

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