HOLY FATHERS: Ambrose, Gregory Nyssen, Hippolytus,[1] Tertullian,[2] Origen,[3] Procopius, Bede, Rupertus, Quæstiones of Augustine, Theodoret.
[1] Hippolytus was a third century bishop and martyr, noteworthy for his learning. He was a disciple of Irenæus and the teacher of Origen. He wrote a Chronicle of the world, from the time of creation to his own day, and there is a fragment on the Law attributed to him.
[2] Tertullian was a Latin Father of the second century. He labored as an apologist during times of persecution. He is remembered for his contribution of the vocabulary concerning the doctrine of the Trinity in the Latin-speaking West, and his involvement in the Montanist movement. Tertullian’s Answer to the Jews takes up elements of the Mosaic history, law, and rites.
[3] Fragments of Origen’s Scholia on Exodus, and thirteen homilies, survive.