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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Galatians: Interpreters

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

HOLY FATHERS: Augustine, Jerome.

William Perkins

REFORMED: Gomarus, Grynæus, Megander, Meyer, Musculus, Naum,[1] Olevian, Zwingli, Dao, Pareus, Momma,[2] Akersloot,[3] Waeyen.[4] English: Ferguson, Lushington,[5] Rollock, Perkins.

LUTHERAN: Battus,[6] Betuleius, Brentius, Chytræus, Cogeler,[7] Corner,[8] Heilbrunner,[9] Hoë,[10] Luther, Leyser, Quistorpius, Rutgerus Spejus, Thumm,[11] Tilmannus, Weinrich, Wigand, Winkelmann.

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Contzen, Grimanus, Seripando,[12] Stevartius, Vazquez, Rorarius, Sasbout.

ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament, and also of the Pauline Epistles, above.

[1] Jodocus Naum (c. 1551-1597) was a German Reformed theologian and educator, student of Caspar Olevian. [2] Wilhelm Momma (1642-1677) was a German Reformed pastor and theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Hamm (1674-1676). Momma was trained under Cocceius, and wrote an important federal theology, De varia conditione & statu Ecclesiæ Dei sub triplici Œconomia. His meditations on Romans and Galatians were published after his death. [3] Theodorus Akersloot (1645-1721) was a Dutch Reformed minister. He wrote on 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians, and Hebrews. [4]Analysis Epistolæ ad Galatas. Johannes van der Waeyen (1639-1701) was a Dutch Reformed pastor and theologian of the Cartesian-Cocceian school. He served as Professor of Hebrew and Theology at Franeker from 1677 to 1701. [5] Thomas Lushington (1590-1661) was an English divine and Laudian churchman. He wrote commentaries on Galatians and Hebrews, and his use of Crellius in his comments on Hebrews led to suspicions of Socinianism. [6] Abraham Battus (1606-1674) was a German Lutheran theologian, educator, and churchman, serving as Professor of Logic and Metaphysics (1632-1652), and later of Theology. In 1658, Battus was appointed General Superintendent of Pomerania and Rugen. He wrote commentaries on Romans and Galatians. [7] Johann Cogeler (1525-1605) was a German Lutheran theologian, educator, and churchman, serving as general superintendent of Pomerania-Stettin. [8] Christoph Corner (1518-1594) was a German Lutheran theologian, teaching philosophy, eloquence, and theology at Frankfurt, and serving as superintendent of the Margraviate of Brandenburg. [9] Philipp Heilbrunner (1546-1616) was a German Lutheran theologian, educator, and pastor. He was involved in the negotiations leading to the Formula of Concord, and wrote commentaries on Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, the Minor Prophets, Galatians, Timothy, and Titus. [10]Matthias Hoë von Hoënegg (1580-1645) was a German Lutheran theologian and pastor. In addition to his commentary on Galatians, he wrote an influential commentary on Revelation. [11]Exegesis capitis I epistolæ ad Galatas. Theodor Thumm (1586-1630) was a German Lutheran churchman and theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Tuggingen (1618-1630). [12]Girolamo Seripando (1493-1563) was an Italian theologian of the Augustinian Order. He attended the Council of Trent, and was eventually appointed Cardinal and second Papal Legate to the Council.


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Jun 21, 2021

Super-summer Fundraiser to support the work of translation!



Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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