LUTHERAN: Chytræus,[1] Fabricius,[2] Gerhard,[3] Hamelmanus, Hunnius,[4] Luther,[5] Matthiæ,[6] Runge,[7] Selnecker,[8] Tarnovius,[9] Cyserus.
[1] In Genesin Enarratio.
[2] Georg Fabricius (1516-1571) was a German poet, antiquarian, and archaeologist. His Commentarius in Genesin brevis includes hymns and prayers.
[3] John Gerhard (1582-1637) was an eminent Lutheran divine. He held the position of Professor of Divinity at Jena (1616), and he was four times the Rector of the same. Gerhard wrote copiously in exegetical (including his Commentarius super Genesin), polemical, and dogmatic theology. His Loci communes theologici (1610-1622) was the largest Lutheran dogmatic text that had been produced to date.
[4] Ægidius Hunnius (1550-1603) was a Lutheran theologian. He was fiercely committed to Lutheran Orthodoxy, and so he spent much of his career in the polemical struggle with the encroaching Calvinism. He wrote Prælectiones in viginti et unum priora capita Geneseōs.
[5] In Genesin, Mosi Librum Sanctissimum, Doctoris Martini Lutheri Declamationes.
[6] Christian Matthiæ (1584-1655) was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Altdorf (1618-1622), and then in various ministerial posts. After suffering incarceration for resisting the encroachments of the civil magistrate into the church, he retired into Zealand, and later Leiden. He wrote Historiam Patriarcharum.
[7] David Runge (1564-1604) was a German Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Wittenberg (1595-1604). Runge commented on several books of the Bible, including Genesis (Prælectiones in Genesin Mosaicam).
[8] Nikolaus Selnecker (1532-1592) was a German Lutheran theologian and hymn writer. He was educated under Melanchthon, and was one of the principal authors of the Formula of Concord. Selnecker was Professor of Theology first at Jena (1562-1568), then at Leipzig (1568-1570), Helmstedt (1571-1574), and Leipzig again (1574-1589). He commented on several books of the Bible, including Genesis (In Genesin, Primum Librum Moysi, Commentarius).
[9] Johann Tarnow (1586-1629) was a German Lutheran theologian, and Professor of Theology at Rostock (1614-1629). In addition to Biblical Commentaries on the Minor Prophets, Lamentations, and other portions of Scripture, he wrote Exercitationes Biblicas.