HOLY FATHERS: Alcuin,[1] Ambrose,[2] Anselm, Basil,[3] Chrysostom,[4] Gregory Nazianzen,[5] Gregory Nyssen,[6] Jerome,[7] Junilius,[8] Moses Bar-Kepha,[9] Eucherius,[10] Origen,[11] Bede, Cyril of Alexandria,[12] Procopius, Augustine.[13]
[1] Alcuin of York (c. 735-804) was an English scholar who taught at St. Peter’s School in York and in the Palace School of Charlegmagne, where he wielded great influence over imperial education reform. He wrote commentaries on Genesis, Psalms, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, John, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, and Revelation.
[2] Ambrose (340-397), Bishop of Milan, was a man of great influence, ecclesiastically and politically, and was instrumental in the conversion of Augustine. He wrote homiletical commentaries on portions of Genesis: the Hexæmeron; De Iacob et Vita Beata; De Abraham; De Cain et Abel; De Ioseph; De Isaac vel Anima; De Noe; De Patriarchis.
[3] Basil the Great was a fourth century Church Father and stalwart defender of Nicean Trinitarianism. He preached a series of sermon on the creation account (Hexæmeron).
[4] Chrysostom left behind sixty-seven homilies on Genesis.
[5] Gregory of Nazianzus (330-389) was Archbishop of Constantinople, and a doctor of the Church, known as the Trinitarian Theologian.
[6] Gregory Nyssen (c. 332-396) was Bishop of Nyssa, and a divine of profound learning and great piety. Gregory was a fierce opponent of Arianism, and he took an active part in drafting the Constantinopolitan enlargement of the Nicene Creed. He wrote Hexæmeron and The Creation of Humanity.
[7] Quaestiones hebraicæ in Genesim.
[8] Junilius Africanus (sixth century) was an official in the palace of Justinian I. His Instituta regularia divinæ legis (on Biblical exegesis) was an important link in familiarizing Western interpreters and theologians with the Antiochene school of exegesis.
[9] Moses Bar-Kepha (ninth century) was a celebrated writer and Bishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church. He wrote a commentary on the Old and New Testament, and Hexæmeron and Tractatus de Paradiso.
[10] The Hexæmeron and Commentary on Genesis ascribed to him are probably spurious.
[11] Origen wrote a Commentary on Genesis, but only fragments survive. Sixteen homilies on Genesis are extant.
[12] Glaphyra in Pentateuchum.
[13] De Genesi adversus Manichæos libri II, De Genesi ad litteram liber imperfectus.