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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Harmony of the Gospels: Interpreters

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

HOLY FATHERS: Ammonius of Alexandria, Augustine,[1] Epiphanius, Eusebius,[2] Tatian.

John Lightfoot

REFORMED: Calvin,[3] Copius,[4] Christianus Meuschius,[5] Seelmatter,[6] Stephanus, Vossius, Sax, Gurtler. English: Cartwright, Lightfoot,[7] Richardson, Ussher.

LUTHERAN: Althofer,[8] Calixt,[9] Chemnitz, Crell,[10] Gerhard, Mercator,[11] Oenopola,[12] Osiander, (Andreas) Rupertus, Selnecker.

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Barradius,[13] Beauxamis,[14] Buisonius,[15] Crommius,[16] Gerson, Haræus,[17] Haye,[18] Jansen, Lombard,[19] Meschinus, Perpiniano,[20] Regius, Rubur.

[1]De Consensu Evangelistarum. [2]On the Differences of the Gospels. [3]Harmonia ex Evangelistis tribus composita Matthæo, Marco, et Luca. [4]Methodus Evangelii Iesu Christi, seu Harmonia Quatvor Evangelistarum. Bernhard Copius (1525-1581) was a German humanist, jurist, and educator. He served as Professor of Greek and of Law at Marburg (1568-1581). [5]Harmonia Evangelica. Theobald Meusch (flourished c. 1600) served as Palatine superintendent. He was involved in heated controversy with the Lutherans. [6] Johann Caspar Seelmatter (1644-1715) served as Professor of Law at the University of Leiden (1675-1679). [7]The Harmony of the Four Evangelists among themselves, and with the Old Testament, with an explanation of the chiefest difficulties both in Language and Sense. [8]Collegii harmonici, hoc est, observationum sacrarum in quatuor evangelistas, disputationes. Christoph Althofer (1606-1660) was a German Lutheran theologian, churchman, and educator. He was a committed Gerhardian. [9]Quatuor Evangelicorum Scriptorum Concordia et Locorum. Georgius Calixtus (1586-1656) was a German Melanchthonian Lutheran. He aimed at the reconciliation of Calvinists and Lutherans, as well as of Catholics and Protestants. In addition to his Concordia, he wrote commentaries on Exodus, Acts, Romans, Corinthians, and Colossians. [10]Harmoniam quatuor Evangelistarum. Paul Crell (1531-1579) was a German Lutheran theologian, educator, and pastor. He was a committed Gnesio-Lutheran. [11]Evangelicæ historiæ quadripartita Monas, sive Harmonias quatuor Evangelistarum. Gerhardus Mercator (1512-1594) was a renowned Belgic geographer and cartographer. Although he was clearly sympathetic to Lutheranism, he never declared himself, but did move from Catholic Leuven to tolerant Duisburg. [12]Harmonia Evangelica ex Quatuor Evangelistis ita Conscripta. [13]Sebastião Barradas (1543-1615) was a Portuguese Jesuit. He was professor of Scripture at Coimbra and Evora for many years. He published Commentaria in concordiam et historiam evangelicam. [14]Homiliæ in omnia quæ per quadragesiman leguntur Euangelia. Thomas Beauxamis (1524-1589) was a Doctor of Theology in Paris and a Carmelite. [15]Historia ac harmonia evangelica. Jean du Buisson (c. 1525-1595) was a French philosopher and theologian. He served as a Professor of Theology at the University of Douai. [16]Sanctissima IV Evangelia , historico ordine. Adrianus Crommius (1590-1651) was a Dutch Jesuit. He served as Professor of Theology at Louvain, and also taught Hebrew, although equally skilled in Greek and Arabic. In addition to his Gospel harmony, Crommius also wrote commentaries on most of the Old Testament. [17]Epitome Catenae aureæ Thomæ in IV Evangelia. Franciscus Haræus (1555-1631) was a Dutch churchman, theologian, historian, and cartographer. He served the Roman Church as a priest, and as a Professor of Rhetoric at Douai, and later as a Professor of Theology at Tongerlo Abbey. Haræus is most remembered for his historical works on the Dutch Revolt. [18] John de la Haye (1593-1661) was a Franciscan philosopher, theologian, and orator. Although he wrote commentaries on Genesis, Exodus, and Revelation, his principal contribution to the field of exegesis is his collation of the comments of others in his Biblia Magna and Biblia Maxima. [19] Peter Lombard (c. 1096-c. 1164), although of relatively humble birth, became a renowned theologian in Paris. His Four Books of Sentences served as a standard theological text at medieval universities. He also wrote commentaries on the Job, Psalms, Song of Solomon, the Pauline Epistles, and the Harmony of the Gospels. [20]Concordia quatuor Evangelistarum. Guido de Perpiniano (c. 1260-1342) served as Prior General of the Carmelites (1318), and as Bishop of Mallorca and Elne.

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
12 dic 2020

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Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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