HOLY FATHERS: Clement of Alexandria, Zonaras.[1]

REFORMED: Laurentius, Pareus, Zwingli, Antonides.[2] English: Manton,[3] Mayer, Turnbull,[4] Tukus, Dickson.
ROMAN CATHOLIC: Bracchus, Cavortus, Daza, Fevardentius, Fotengius, Gail, Logenhagen, Paez,[7] Quiros, Stevartius, Gregory of Rimini.
ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament, and also of the Catholic Epistles, above.
[1] John Zonaras (twelfth century), native of Constantinople, was a historian and theologian. [2] Theodore Antonides (1647-1715) was a Dutch Reformed minister. He wrote commentaries on the Epistles of Peter, James, and Jude, and the Book of Job. [3] Thomas Manton (1620-1677) was a prominent and influential member of the Presbyterian party and a popular preacher. He was one of three scribes at the Westminster Assembly, and he was commissioned to pen the commendatory epistle for the Confession and Catechisms. After the Restoration, Charles II offered to make him Dean of Rochester, but he refused and resigned the living that he had, on account of the Act of Uniformity. Manton composed commentaries on James and Jude. [4] Richard Turnbull (flourished c. 1592) was an Anglican minister in London. He also wrote a commentary on Jude. [5] Andreas Althamer (c. 1500-c. 1539) was a German humanist and Lutheran Reformer. [6] Caspar Rasmussen Brochmand (1585-1652) was a Danish Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Copenhagen (1615-1639). In addition to his commentary on James, he composed one on Hebrews. [7] Balthasar Paez (1571-1638) was a theologian of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity. In addition to his commentary on James, he wrote on other select passaged of Scripture.
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