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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Job: Interpreters

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

HOLY FATHERS: Ambrose, Bede, Catena Græca, Didymus,[1] Gregory, Hilary,[2] Jerome, Origen, Philip the Presbyter,[3] Olympiadorus’ Catena.[4]

REFORMED: Beza, Borrhaus, Calvin, Cocceius, Drusius, Duportus,[5] Junius, Lavater, Marlorat, Mercerus, Merlin,[6] Œcolampadius, Scultetus,[7] Spanheim, Strigelius, Hottinger,[8] Antonides,[9] Hoeke,[10] Stisser. English: Abbot,[11] Caryl,[12] Humfrey, Jackson, Senault,[13] D’Espagne, Blackmore,[14] Leigh,[15] Lightfoot.

LUTHERAN: Brentius, Bugenhagen, Schmidt,[16] Ursinus, Kortius.

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Aquinas, Boulducus,[17] Codurc,[18] Corderius,[19] Crommius, Ferus, Fevardentius, Malvenda, Pineda,[20] Rupertus, Sanchez, Steuchus, Sotomayor,[21] Stunica,[22] Vavasseur,[23] Mercerus, Titelmans.[24]

HEBREWS: אהב משפט of Rabbi Simeon Duran,[25] איוב of Rabbi Isaac the Priest, son of Rabbi Solomon the Priest, ארחות עולם of Rabbi Abraham Farissol,[26] חלקת מחוקק of Rabbi Moses Alshich,[27] מאיר איוב, משפט צדק of Rabbi Obadiah Sforno, פרוש איוב of Rabbi Isaac ben Arama, Rabbi Levi ben Gershom.

Let the Interpreters of the Books of the Old Testament be added.

[1] Didymus the Blind (c. 313-398) was the head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria, and one of Jerome’s teachers. It is said that his commentaries covered almost the entirety of Scripture, but his work survives only in fragments. [2] Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers (died 368), was, among the Latin Fathers, one of the chief defenders of the Nicean theology against Arianism. [3] Philip the Presbyter (fifth century) was an Eastern churchman and disciple of Jerome. His commentary on Job survives. [4] Olympiadorus (sixth century) is thought to have been a deacon of the Alexandrian Church. He wrote commentaries on Job, Ecclesiastes, and Jeremiah. [5] James Duport (1606-1679) was an Anglican classical scholar and churchman. He composed poetic paraphrases of Job, Psalms, and Proverbs. [6] Jean-Raymond Merlin (1510-1578) was a French Reformed theologian and pastor, serving as Professor of Hebrew at Lausanne (1548-1558) and at Geneva (1558-1563). He rendered Œcolampadius’ commentaries on Job and Daniel into French. [7] Abraham Scultetus (1566-1624) was a German Reformed scholar, theologian, and historian. He served as court preacher to the Elector of the Palatinate, and also as Professor of Old Testament at the University of Heidelberg. He was chosen as a representative of the Palatinate to the Synod of Dordt. Scultetus composed commentaries on a number of Biblical books. [8] Johann Heinrich Hottinger II (1647-1692) was a Swiss theologian, and son of Johann Heinrich Hottinger I. He served as Professor of Hebrew at Zurich (1671-1692). He wrote Libri Jiobh post textum hebræum et versionem verbalem latinam analysem. [9] Theodore Antonides (1647-1715) was a Dutch Reformed minister. He wrote commentaries on the Epistles of Peter, James, and Jude, and the Book of Job. [10] Petrus van Hoeke (1660-1711) was a Dutch Reformed minister. In addition to his commentary on Job, he also wrote on Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and Hebrews. [11] George Abbot (1604-1649) was a Puritan member of the House of Commons during the English Civil War. He composed paraphrases of Job and the Psalms. [12] Joseph Caryl (1602-1673) was a Puritan minister, and member of the Westminster Assembly. He suffered ejection after the Restoration and Act of Uniformity (1662). His sermons through the Book of Job are preserved in twelve volumes. [13]Jean-François Senault (1599–1672) was a French Augustinian philosopher. He composed a paraphrase of Job. [14] Sir Richard Blackmore (1654-1729) was an English poet and physician. He composed paraphrases of Job and the Psalms. [15] Edward Leigh (1602-1671) was an English scholar (divinity, law, and history), and member of the famed Long Parliament. He wrote Annotations upon all the New Testament philologicall and theologicall, and Annotations on five poetical Books of the Old Testament. [16] Sebastian Schmidt (1617-1696) was a German Lutheran Theologian and Hebraist. He studied under Buxtorf the Younger, and his efforts to interpret Scripture with philological accuracy influenced Philipp Jakob Spener. He commented on much of the Scripture, including Job. [17] Jacobus Boulducus (flourished c. 1630) was a Franciscan scholar. [18]Philippe Codurc (c. 1580-1660) was a French Protestant, serving as minister and Professor of Hebrew at Nsmes. Circa 1645, he converted to Roman Catholicism. [19] Balthasar Cordier (1592-1650) was a Belgian Jesuit and patrologist. He also composed works on the Psalms and the Gospel of Matthew. [20] John de Pineda (1558-1637) was a Spanish Jesuit theologian and exegete, teaching philosophy and theology at Seville and Cordova. In addition to his work on Job, he composed commentaries on Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. [21] Luis de Sotomaior (1526-1610) was a Portugues Domincan. He held the chair of Sacred Scripture at Coimbra, and composed commentaries on the Song of Solomon and 1 and 2 Timothy also. [22]Diego de Zúñiga, or Didacus a Stunica (1536-1597), was an Augustinian Hermit and scholar, and early advocate for Copernicanism. He taught at the Universities of Osuna and Salamanca. [23] François Vavasseur (1605-1681) was a French Jesuit humanist and scholar, teaching at Bourges and Paris. In addition to his annotated paraphrase of Job, he composed a commentary on Hosea. [24] Franciscus Titelmans (1502-1537) was a Flemish Franciscan philosopher and Biblical scholar. His Compendium of naturalis philosophiæ was very influential, and he commented on much of the Bible. [25] Simeon ben Zemah Duran, also known as Rashbatz (1361-1444), was a Spanish Rabbi and physician. In addition to his commentary on Job, he also wrote on the Pentateuch and the Talmud. [26] Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol (c. 1451-c. 1525) was a Jewish-Italian geographer and scribe. In addition to his commentary on Job, he also wrote on the Torah and Ecclesiastes. [27] Rabbi Moshe Alshich (1508-1593) was born in the Ottoman Empire, but, during his student days, he moved to Safed in Galilee. He commented on almost the entirety of the Hebrew Bible.

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
04 mar 2022
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Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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