5. The scope and manifold use of the same is declared.

Whence also the scope of the book is easy to guess. Namely, God willed to represent to the Church of all ages the native odium that He bears toward the sin and passive unrighteousness of the whole people: the punishments of sin, the efficacy of repentance to restore halcyon days: His goodness and power in furnishing the liberators with Divine power, and in accomplishing the liberation itself: the preservation of the Israelite people in the midst of afflictions, because of Messiah to be born of them, and the covenant entered upon with Abraham: finally, a most clear image in the Judges, מוֹשִׁיעִים/Saviors, of the true and unique Savior of all the people of God, and in the varying fortune of the people the states of the same, both of humiliation, and of exaltation.
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