The names of Leviticus. ויקרא, and the Synonyms of the Hebrews, 1. The argument of the book. It contains τάξιν ἱερατικὴν, the priestly order, and the Law of the High Priests. However many syllables, just so many Sacraments of Christ and of the holiness of believers does it have, 2. The spiritual signification of the book. The means of the understanding of the same, 3. The Scope/Goal of the book is to hand on the sacred or legitimate law of the Jews, and to lead to faith in the coming Priest, Christ. The use of the book among Christians, 4. The Chronology of the book, 5. The three principal parts of the same: I. Laws concerning sacrifices, and the types and rites of the same (Leviticus 1-7). II. The consecration of Aaron and his sons (Leviticus 8-10). III. Diverse laws, concerning the sanctification of the entire people and of individuals (Leviticus 11-27). A Synoptic Table, and the Interpreters of the book, ancient, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Hebrew, 6.
Many Christians find the Book of Leviticus mysterious and befuddling. Join us for this brief introductory study, so that we might learn to see Jesus in this precious book. www.fromreformationtoreformation.com/old-testament-survey-class-page