1. The names of Leviticus. ויקרא, and the Synonyms of the Hebrews.

The third book of Moses is vulgarly called Leviticus, because it generally covers laws of the sort that were Divinely enjoined upon the posterity of Levi, who were advanced to the Priesthood, to attend to the public worship, entrusted to them. Athanasius in Synopsi Sacræ Scripturæ: Ὀνομάζεται ὅυτως, ἐπειδὰν καὶ ἰδικῶς πᾶσαν τῆς Λευιτικῆς λειτουργίας τῆν διατύπωσιν περιέχει, thus it is called, because it in a special manner contains the whole arrangement of Levitical duty. It is denominated by the Hebrews from the first word, ויקרא, and He called. From its argument the Jews are also wont to call it תורת כהנים, the Law of the Priests, and also תורת הקרבנות, the Law of the Sacrifices.