There are three parts to this Book:

I. Laws concerning sacrifices: chapters 1-7: in which are:
1. The kinds of sacrifices: chapters 1-5: like:
a. The voluntary sacrifices.
α. The law of the burnt-offering: chapter 1.
β. The law of the Minchah: chapter 2.
γ. The law of peace offerings: chapter 3.
b. The necessary sacrifices.
α. For sin through error: chapter 4.
β. For guilt: chapter 5.
2. The rites of the sacrifices, like:
a. The rites of the burnt-offering: chapter 6.
b. Sacrifices for guilt and of peace offerings: chapter 7.

II. The consecration of Aaron and his sons: chapters 8-10: in which are:
1. Their inauguration: chapter 8.
2. Aaron’s sacrifice: chapter 9.
3. The strange fire: chapter 10.
III. Diverse laws concerning the sanctification of the people: chapters 11-27: in which are:
1. Ceremonial laws concerning purifications: chapters 11-17.
a. Concerning the distinction of clean and unclean things: chapter 11.
b. Concerning the purification of a woman after childbirth: chapter 12.
c. Of lepers: chapter 13.
d. Concerning the cleansing of a healed leper: chapter 14.
e. Concerning the cleansing of one sick with gonorrhea: chapter 15.
f. Concerning entrance into the holy of holies, and the two he-goats: chapter 16.
g. Concerning the eating of blood: chapter 17.
2. Laws moral and judicial: chapters 18-20.
a. Concerning the prohibited degrees: chapter 18.
b. Concerning the explication of the Decalogue: chapter 19.
c. Concerning punishments for crimes: chapter 20.
3. Laws concerning the Priests: chapters 21, 22.
a. Concerning the idea of a good Priest: chapter 21.
b. Concerning the feeding of the Priests from the sacrifices, and the wholeness of the sacrifices: chapter 22.
4. Festal laws: chapter 23.
5. Laws concerning the oil for the lampstand, etc.: chapter 24.
6. Laws concerning the Sabbath of the land and Jubilee: chapter 25.
7. Legal promises and punishments: chapter 26.
8. Laws concerning vows and tithes: chapter 27.