I. The nativity of John, the Forerunner of Christ: chapter 1.
II. The nativity and infancy of Christ: chapter 2.
III. Christ’s actions, teaching, and miracles: chapters 3-21. In which Christ:
1. Is baptized by John, while John was teaching, and His Genealogy is woven together: chapter 3.
2. Having been tempted by Satan, he teaches at Nazareth; He heals a demoniac and Peter’s mother-in-law: chapter 4.
3. He converts Peter; He heals a leper and a paralytic; He calls Matthew; He disputes concerning fasting: chapter 5.

4. He defends His disciples, plucking grain on the Sabbath; He heals the withered; He chooses the Apostles; He proclaims those that are blessed; He forbids rash judgment; etc.: chapter 6.
5. He heals the Centurion’s servant; He raises a widow’s son; He bears witness to John; He reproves the Pharisees; He forgives the sins of the loving woman: chapter 7.
6. He narrates the parable of the sower; He shows His mother and brethren; He calms a tempest; He heals a demoniac and woman with an issue of blood; He raises the daughter of Jairus: chapter 8.
7. He sends the Apostles out; He feeds with five loaves; with Peter confessing, He commends following Him; He transfigures; He foretells His sufferings; etc.: chapter 9.
8. He sends the seventy disciples out; He reproves the ungrateful cities; He teaches the greatest commandment and the love of one’s enemy; He commends Mary: chapter 10.
9. He teaches to pray; He casts out a demon; He refuses a sign; He condemns the hypocrisy of the Pharisees: chapter 11.
10. He dissuades from the leaven of the Pharisees, avarice; He commends vigilance; He foretells the commotions about to arise: chapter 12.
11. He urges repentance; He presents the Kingdom of God in figures; He commends zeal in following Himself; He denounces judgment against Jerusalem: chapter 13.
12. He heals a man suffering from dropsy on the Sabbath; He rebukes those affecting the primacy; He shows hindrances of salvation; He requires the love of Himself above all things; He urges premeditation of all things: chapter 14.
13. He commends the grace of God toward penitents of the sheep, of the coin, of the prodigal son: chapter 15.
14. By the parable of the unjust steward He teaches the use of riches, and by the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the diverse deaths of the pious and impious: chapter 16.
15. He forbids scandals, offenses of the brethren; He heals lepers; He describes the coming of the Son of Man: chapter 17.
16. He urges assiduity in prayer; He condemns trust in works; challenging a young man to sell His belongings, He teaches the hurt of riches: chapter 18.
17. He converts Zacchaeus; He entrusts talents; He enters Jerusalem: chapter 19.
18. He evades a question; He narrates the parable of the vineyard; He teaches the resurrection: chapter 20.
19. He commends the mite of the widow; He foretells the destruction of the City and of the world: chapter 21.

IV. Christ’s Sufferings: chapters 22, 23. In which are:
1. The celebration of the Passover, of the supper; the capture, mocking, and condemnation of Christ: chapter 22.
2. His delivery into the hands of the Gentiles, crucifixion, and burial: chapter 23.
V.The glory of Christ’s resurrection and ascension into Heaven:chapter 24.
New Testament Survey: www.fromreformationtoreformation.com/new-testament-survey