2. Lucas Lucilius. A description of Luke out of Jerome, Dorotheus, Theophylact, Sophronius, and the Arabic Codex of Kirstenius.

Hugo Grotius thinks that Luke is a Roman name, contracted from the name Lucilius.But others derive it from elsewhere.Jerome, in his Catalogo Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum, section 7, gives a detailed description of him in these words:Luke, a Physician of Antioch, as his writings indicate, not ignorant of the Greek language, was a follower of the Apostle Paul, and a companion of all his travel; he wrote a Gospel, concerning which the same Paul said:We have sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the Gospel throughout all the Churches:[1]and to the Colossians, Luke, the beloved physician, greets you:[2]and to Timothy, Only Luke is with me.[3]Also, Dorotheus the Martyr, Bishop of Tyre, in his Synopsis,[4] described in Greek the life of Luke, which Robertus Stephanus presents in his preface to Luke.The sum is, that Luke was an Antiochian by birth, a physician by art:that he wrote a Gospel under the charge of Peter, Acts under the charge of Paul.For, he traveled with the Apostles, and especially with Paul.He died at Ephesus, and was buried there.But Theophylact, in his Preface upon this Gospel, succinctly describes his life, adding to those things that we cited out of Jerome and Dorotheus, that he was τὴνἔξωσοφίανπολὺν, great in external philosophy, imbued also in the teachings/disciplines of the Hebrews at Jerusalem, and made one of the seventy disciples;[5] that with Cleopas he met Christ, when He had risen.[6]Sophronius[7] adds that he was devoted to the Apostle Paul in the highest degree, so that he, inveighed against by John as the author of this book, confessed that he wrote the Gospel φίλτρῳκατεχόμενονΠαύλου, seized with love for Paul.And thence it is that Paul in his Epistles repeatedly appeals to his Gospel,[8] understanding Luke’s Gospel, written by his authority.That is, as if Luke wrote his oracles not ἄνωθεν, from above, παρηκολουθηκὼςἀκριβῶς, following accurately, Luke 1:3.[9]Finally, that most ancient Arabic Codex published by Kirstenius describes him, that he was an Evangelist and a Physician, that he practiced medicine at Antioch:that first Peter, and then Paul, after his conversion, were his teachers:finally, that he finished his course in martyrdom at Rome.But Eusebius related that he suffered martyrdom in Greece, hanged upon an olive tree:Jerome, that he was killed in Bithynia.
[1] 2 Corinthians 8:18. [2] Colossians 4:14. [3] 2 Timothy 4:11. [4] Dorotheus (c. 255-362) served as Bishop of Tyre. He suffered exile under Diocletian, attended the Council of Nicea (325) under Constantine, and was martyred under Julian the Apostate. The Acts of the Seventy Apostles is credited to him. [5] See Luke 10:1-24. [6] See Luke 24:13-35. [7] Sophronius (c. 560-638) was an ascetic monk and theologian. He labored to have the Patriarch of the East renounce the heresy of Monoenergism. In 634, Sophronius was elected Patriarch of Jerusalem, negotiating the Umari Treaty (securing civil and religious liberty for Christians in exchange for tribute) with Caliph Umar I shortly before his death. [8] See Romans 2:16; 16:25; 2 Timothy 2:8. [9] Luke 1:3: “It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first (παρηκολουθηκότι ἄνωθεν πᾶσιν ἀκριβῶς), to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus…”
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