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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Mark: Detailed Outline

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

8. The Book has five parts. I. The history of the ministry of John (chapter 1:1-8). II. Christ’s preparation to undertake His office (chapter 1:9-13). III. Christ’s actions, doctrine, and miracles (chapters 1:14-37). IV. Christ’s sufferings (chapters 14, 15). V. The glory of His resurrection and ascension into heaven (chapter 16). Interpreters, Ancient, Reformed, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic, and also a Synoptic Table of the Book.

This Gospel also has five parts. For, first, the history of the ministry of John is related, Chapter 1:1-8. Second, the preparation of Christ to undertake His office, Chapter 1:9-13. Third, His actions, teaching, and miracles, Chapter 1:14-13:37. Fourth, His sufferings, Chapters 14, 15. Finally, fifth, the glory, both of His resurrection, and of His ascension into heaven, Chapter 16.

I. The history of the ministry of John, Chapter 1:1-8.

John, having been foresignified by the Prophets, both baptized in the wilderness, and, giving proof of his calling by his singular manner of life, described the Christ as coming and baptizing with the Spirit: chapter 1:1-8.

II. The preparation of Christ to undertake His office, Chapter 1:9-13.

Christ, having come from Galilee to Jordan, was baptized by John, consecrated by a voice from heaven, and tempted in the wilderness by Satan, with Angels ministering to Him: chapter 1:9-13.

III. Christ’s actions, teaching, and miracles, Chapters 1:14-13:37. Indeed,

1. Christ, with John decreasing, preaches in Galilee, takes disciples (verses 14-20), while teaching at Capernaum, restores a demoniac, Peter’s mother-in-law, and others (verses 21-34), is sought while praying in a desert place, and, with demons cast out, restores a leprous man to health (verse 35-45): chapter 1:14-45.

2. He releases a paralytic from his sins and disease at the same time (verses 1-12); with Matthew called from the receipt of custom, and with the Pharisees accusing Him because of His relationship with publicans, He indicates the reason for His coming (verses 13-17); He corrects the feigned reverence for fasting (verses 18-22); and He defends His disciples, accused of violating the Sabbath, from the example of David (verse 23-28): chapter 2.

3. He restores a man having a withered hand on the Sabbath (verses 1-5), and He, having escaped the hands of the Pharisees and Herodians conspiring against Him on account of that, with a great multitude following Him, frees many from diseases and demons (verses 6-12); He chooses twelve disciples for Himself (verses 13-21); He responds to the Pharisees speaking blasphemy, that He casts out demons with the help of Beelzebub (verses 22-30); and He indicates who His brothers are (verses 31-35): chapter 3.

4. He declares the power of the Divine Word, and with what piety it ought to be heard, in the parable of the sower and the seed (verses 1-20); He teaches that light is not to be hidden under a bushel (verses 21-23), that measuring out ought to be done in equal measure (verses 24, 25); He declares the parable of the seed (verses 26-29); He adjoins the parable of the mustard seed (verses 30-34); He restrains a violent tempest of the sea by Divine power (verses 35-41): chapter 4.

5. He expels from a demoniac a legion of demons in the country of the Gadarenes (verses 1-20); a woman much vexed with an issue of blood He heals, when she touches His garment (verses 21-34), and the deceased daughter of Jairus He restores to life (verses 35-43): chapter 5.

6. Held in contempt by His own in His own country (verses 1-6), He sends His disciples to preach (verses 7-13), and, with the history of the martyrdom of John interjected (verses 14-29), He, feeding many thousands with five loaves (verses 30-44), follows the disciples, having been sent ahead in a ship, walks upon the waters, and calms the tempest (verses 45-52); and in the land of Gennesaret He heals many sick with the mere touch of His garment (verses 53-56): chapter 6.

7. Correcting religious hypocrites in externals, He teaches true holiness (verses 1-23); He liberates the daughter of the Syrophenician woman from a demon (verses 24-30); and, with a man deaf and dumb miraculously freed, He is heralded with extraordinary commendations by the people (verses 31-37): chapter 7.

8. Satiating four thousand men with seven loaves (verses 1-9), with the Pharisees seeking a sign, He denies that, and exposes their leaven (verses 10-21); He restores sight to a blind man (verses 22-26); with the Apostles confessing Him with great clarity, He foretells His sufferings (verses 27-33), and commends the following of Himself (verses 34-38): chapter 8.

9. Having been transfigured on a mountain in the presence of His disciples, He explains the prophecy concerning Elijah (verses 1-13); He casts out a mute spirit, whom His disciples had not been able to subdue (verses 14-29); He again foretells His death (verses 30-32); He commends humility to His disciples (verses 33-42); He teaches that scandals are to be avoided (verses 43-50): chapter 9.

10. Sketching out the laws of marriage, He refutes the license of divorces (verses 1-12); He blesses little children (verses 13-16); He proves a young man, rich and puffed up with reliance on his works, and depicts the danger of riches (verses 17-27); He sets forth the reward awaiting the disciples following Him, with all things left behind (verses 28-31); He again foretells His sufferings (verses 32-34); to the sons of Zebedee, aspiring after the first place, He teaches humility (verses 35-45); He restores sight to Bartimæus (verses 46-52): chapter 10.

11. Entering Jerusalem, carried by the colt of an ass (verses 1-11), He curses a fruitless fig tree (verses 12-14); He casts those seeking profit out of the Temple (verses 15-19); He explains the efficacy of faith (verses 20-26); He evade the Pharisees, asking after His authority, with another question (verses 27-33): chapter 11.

12. By the parable of the vineyard and farmers He rebukes the ingratitude of the Jews (verses 1-12); He settles the dispute concerning tribute (verses 13-17); He refutes the Sadducees concerning the resurrection (verses 18-27); He informs a Scribe of the principal commandment of the law (verses 28-34); He teaches whose son He is (verses 35-37); He tells them to beware of the Scribes (verses 38-40); and He points out with what spirit alms are to be given (verses 41-44): chapter 12.

13. He reveals what sort of dreadful destruction was going to come to Jerusalem, and of what sort the signs were going to be preceding it (verses 1-23); He discourses of the final judgment, and the signs preceding that (verse 24-32); and He earnestly commends vigilance to all (verses 33-37): chapter 13.

IV. Christ’s sufferings, Chapters 14, 15. Namely, Christ,

1. With the Priests conspiring against Him (verses 1, 2), is anointed by a devout woman (verses 3-11); He celebrates the Passover, and the Lord’s Supper, substituted in its place (verses 12-31); on the Mount of Olives He is tormented with the greatest vexations of soul, and is taken as a captive from there (verses 32-52); He is condemned by the Jews, and mocked (verse 53-65), with Peter then denying Him and repenting (verses 66-72): chapter 14.

2. Having been delivered to Pilate, He is condemned (verses 1-19); He is crucified (verses 20-37), with prodigies accompanying His death (verses 38-41); and He is buried (verses 42-47): chapter 15.

V. The glory of His resurrection and ascension into Heaven, Chapter XVI.

Christ is raised from the dead, and, with a youthful informer sitting on the right side, He is revealed to the pious women (verses 1-8); He appears to Mary Magdalene (verses 9-11), to two disciples (verses 12, 13), to the eleven Apostles, sent to preach the Gospel (verses 14-18); and He ascends into Heaven (verses 19, 20):chapter 16.

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Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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