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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Mark: Interpreters

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

HOLY FATHERS: Jerome, Zacharias Chrysopolitanus.

REFORMED: Danæus,[1] Junius, Myconius.[2] English: Petreius, Petter,[3] Morus.

LUTHERAN: Hegendorff,[4] Lambertus.

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Fuente,[5] Gerson,[6] Hofmeister,[7] Paz,[8] Peltanus,[9] Suarez,[10] Soccolovius,[11] Cajetan, Jansen,[12] Maldonatus, Baradius, Servius.

ADD the Interpreters of the Books of the New Testament, and also of the four Evangelists above.

[1] Quæstionum et scholiorum in Evangelium Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Marcum. [2] In Evangelium Marci Docta et Pia Osvaldi Myconii Lucerani, iam primum in lucem edita, Expositio. Oswald Myconius (1488-1552) was a Swiss reformer, theologian, and educator. He was already serving as schoolmaster at Zurich, when he joined Zwingli’s reforming party (1518). In 1531, he moved to Basel to serve as town preacher and Professor of New Testament. Myconius drafted the Confession of Basel, hoping that it would provide a broad enough basis to comprehend all Protestants, and to win those continuing in adherence to the Roman Church. [3] A Learned, Pious, and Practical Commentary upon the Gospel according to Saint Mark. George Petter (c. 1593-1661) served as Pastor in Sussex for forty-four years. [4] Annotationes in evangelium Marci. [5] In sacrosanctum Euangelium Domini Nostri Iesu Christi secundum Marcum (1582). Juan de la Fuente was a Franciscan monk. [6] Lectiones duæ super Marcum. Jean Charlier de Gerson (1363-1429) was a French scholar, theologian, and educator. As Chancellor of the University of Paris, Gerson labored to end the Papal Schism, taking an active part in the conciliar movement in general, and in the Council of Constance in particular. [7] Commentaria in Marcum et Lucam. Johannes Hofmeister (c. 1509-1547) served as Vicar General of the Augustinian monasteries in Germany. He was a tireless opponent of the Reformation. [8] Commentaria in Marci Evangelium. [9] Theodoor van Pelt (1511-1584) was a German Jesuit, serving as Professor of Greek (1557-1562) and Professor of Theology (1562-1572) at Ingolstadt. He translated a number of works of the Greek Fathers into Latin, including Victoris Antiocheni in Marcum et Titi Bostrorum episcopi in Evangelium Lucæ commentarios. [10] In Evangelium Marci Homiliæ. Joannes Suarez (1507-1572) was Bishop of Coimbra, Portugal. [11] In evangelia Matthæi, Marci et Lucæ notæ. Stanislaus Soccolovius (1537-1593) was a Polish scholar, priest, and theologian. He taught theology at the Krakow Academy. [12] Tetrateuchus sive commentarius in sancta Jesu Christi evangelia.

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Dr. Dilday
29 jul 2020

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Dr. Dilday
29 jul 2020

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Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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