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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Matthew: Lutheran and Roman Catholic Interpreters

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

Johannes Bugenhagen

LUTHERAN: Bugenhagen,[1] Cruciger,[2] David Chytræus,[3] Hegendorff,[4] Hunnius,[5] Luther, Melanchthon,[6] Pelargus.[7]

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Alliaco,[8] Pope Benedict,[9] Bonaventure,[10] Bredenbachius,[11] Capponi,[12] Clario, Corderius,[13] Druthmarus,[14] Ferus,[15] Guevara,[16] William of Paris, Hessels,[17] Sanctotisius,[18] Titelmannus,[19] Tostatus,[20] Tomitanus,[21] Venantius, Rupertus, Thomas, Abulensis, Middleton,[22] Cajetan,[23] Lovanius, Salmeron,[24] Palatius,[25] Jansen,[26] Maldonatus, Francis Lucas Brugensis, Barradas.

ADD the Interpreters of the Books of the New Testament, and also of the four Evangelists above, and finally of Harmony of the Gospels below.

[1] Johannes Bugenhagen (1485-1558), called Doctor Pomeranus by Martin Luther, was the Reformer of Pomerania and Denmark, and instrumental in the organization of Lutheran churches in Northern German and Scandinavia (earning him the title, the second Apostle of the North). He participated in the translation of the Scriptures into German, and wrote commentaries on several Biblical books, including In IIII Priora Capita Euangelii secundum Matthæum. [2] Caspar Cruciger the Elder (1504-1548) was a German humanist and Reformer. He served as Professor of Theology and preacher at the Castle Church at Wittenberg. Cruciger assisted Luther in the revision of the German translation of the Bible, and wrote Commentarium in Matthæum. [3] Commentarius in Matthæum Evangelistam. David Chytræus (1530-1600) was a Lutheran theologian, historian, and educator. As a student Chytræus studied under Luther and Melanchthon. He went on to serve as Professor of Theology at Rostock (1561-1600). [4] Christoph Hegendorff (1500-1540) was a German theologian and reformer. [5] Ægidius Hunnius (1550-1603) was a Lutheran theologian. He was fiercely committed to Lutheran Orthodoxy, and so he spent much of his career in the polemical struggle with the encroaching Calvinism. He wrote Commentarium in Evangelium Secundum Matthæum. [6] Annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in Euangelium Matthæi. [7] Evangelicarum quaestionum et responsionum liber quo inprimis totum sancti Matthæi Evangelium ex orthodoxa antiquitate breviter explicatur, perspicue illustratur. Christoph Pelargus (1565-1633) was a German Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Frankfurt (1591-1633). [8] Oratio in Matthæum. Pierre d’Ailly (1351-1420) was a French cardinal, theologian, and astrologer. He was heavily involved in the Great Papal Schism. [9] Pope Benedict XI (reigning from 1303 to 1304) was born Nicola Boccasini (1240-1304). He was of the Dominican Order of Preachers, and wrote commentaries on Job, Matthew, and Revelation. [10] John Bonaventure (1221-1274) joined the order of St. Francis in 1243, and he was made the general of the order in 1256. His theological abilities and piety are esteemed by Romanists and Protestants alike. Bonaventure commented on the creation account and fall in his Breviloquium and Commentary on Lombard’s Sentences. [11] In sactum Iesu Christi Evangelium secundum Matthæum. Matthias Bredenbach (1489-1559) was a German educator and writer. He served as principal of the college of Emmerich. He theological writings include Apologiam pro acerbitatibus in Lutherum in Libro de dissidiis, and commentaries on the first sixty-nine Psalms and the Gospel of Matthew. [12] Serafino Capponi (1536-1614) was an Italian Domican theologian, remembered as commentator on Aquinas’ Summa. He also wrote commentaries on the Bible, including one on Matthew. [13] Catena Græcorum patrum triginta in Mattæum. Balthasar Cordier (1592-1650) was a Belgian Jesuit and patrologist. [14] Expositio in Matthæum Evangelistam. Christian of Stavelot, also known as Christian Druthmar (ninth century), was French Benedictine monk and scholar. He is remembered for his abilities in Greek, and as a Biblical commentator. [15] Commentariorum Ioannis Feri in sacrosanctum Iesu Christi Evangelium secundum Matthæum libri quatuor. Johann Ferus (1495-1554) was a German Franciscan; he excelled in Biblical interpretation and preaching. In addition to his work on Matthew, he wrote commentaries on the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Job, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, Lamentations, Jonah, Matthew, John, Acts, Romans, and 1 John. [16] Commentarii in Matthæum (1640). Jeronimo de Guevara was a Spanish Jesuit. [17] In sanctum Jesu Christi evangelium secundum Matthæum commentarius. Jean Hessels (1522-1566) served as Professor of Theology at Louvain, and was a proponent of Baianism. He was an active participant in the Council of Trent. [18] Expositio in sacrosanctum Iesu Christi Euangelium secundum Matthæum. Christophorus Sanctotisius (1520-1611) was a Spanish Augustinian Friar. [19] Paraphrastica elucidatio in evangelium secundum Matthæum, additis annotationibus in loca difficiliora. Franciscus Titelmans (1502-1537) was a Flemish Franciscan philosopher and Biblical scholar. His Compendium of naturalis philosophiæ is very influential. [20] Alonso Tostado, or Tostatus (c. 1400-1455), was a Spanish, Roman Catholic churchman and scholar. He was trained in philosophy, theology, civil and canon law, Greek, and Hebrew. He wrote commentaries on the historical books of the Old Testament (Genesis-2 Chronicles), and on the Gospel of Matthew (Commentaria in Matthæum). [21] Expositio in Matthæum. Bernardino Tomitano (1517-1576) was an Italian physician and philosopher. He lectured on Aristotle at the University of Padua. When he was accused by the Holy Office of Veneto of heresy for his commentary on Matthew, he successfully defended himself by denying authorship of the work. [22] Super Evagelica. Richard of Middleton (c. 1249-c. 1308) was a Franciscan theologian and philosopher, serving as the provincial master of his order in France. He wrote two commentaries on Lombard’s Sentences, in which the influence of Aristotle, Aquinas, and Bonaventure is evident. [23] Evangelia cum Commentariis. [24] Commentarii in evangelicam historiam, et in Acta Apostolorum. [25] Enarrationum in sacrosanctum Iesu Christi Evangelium secundum Matthæum. [26] In Evangelica secundum Johannem et Matthæum Commentarius. Cornelius Jansen (1585-1638) was a Dutch Roman Catholic. He served as Bishop of Ypres in Flanders, and was responsible for an Augustinian movement, which came to be known as Jansenism. Jansen’s opposition to the Jesuits, and adherence to Augustine, brought him no closer to Protestantism.



Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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