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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Matthew: Patristic and Reformed Interpreters

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

HOLY FATHERS: Ambrose,[1] Cyprian,[2] Gregory Nyssen, Jerome, Hilary, Radbertus,[3] Chromatius,[4] Bede, Claudius Scotus,[5] Zacharias Chrysopolitanus.[6]

REFORMED:Danæus,[7] Gomar, Heidegger, Junius, Munster, Musculus,[8] Œcolampadius,[9] Spanheim the Elder,[10] Spanheim the Younger,[11] Stephanus,[12] Pareus,[13] Huysinga,[14] Rombouts,[15] Van Til.[16]English:Dickson,[17] Fuller, Perkins, Ward,[18] Price,[19] Philippus, Tyndale, Blackmod, More.The Most Illustrious Kempius,[20] in his Bibliotheca Anglorum, pages 146, 147, etc., exhibites more English commentators on various parts.

[1] Ambrose (340-397), Bishop of Milan, was a man of great influence, ecclesiastically and politically, and was instrumental in the conversion of Augustine. [2] Cyprian (died 258) served as Bishop of Carthage. He is noted for his strict standard of re-admittance into the Church for those that had “lapsed” under persecution. [3] Paschasius Radbertus (785-865) was a Carolingian theologian, serving as Abbot of the Benedictine monastery at Corbie, France. He is most remembered as an early proponent of the what would become the doctrine of transubstantiation. Radbertus wrote commentaries on Matthew, Lamentations, and Revelation. [4] Chromatius (died c. 406) was Bishop of Aquileia, a celebrated churchman and scholar, and a proponent of theological literature, encouraging Ambrose, Jerome, and Rufinus in their literary endeavors. With respect to his own efforts, eighteen treatises on Matthew 3; 5; 6 survive. [5] Claudius Scotus (ninth century) was an Irishman by birth, and a student of the Venerable Bede. He served as Bishop of Auxerre, and wrote on the Gospels and Epistles. [6] Zacharias Chrysopolitanus (died c. 1155) belonged to the Premonstratensians Order in Besançon (Chrysopolis). He wrote a harmony of the Gospels, deeply rooted in the Western exegetical tradition. [7] In Evangelium secundum Matthæum Commentarii. Lambert Danæus (c. 1530-1596) was a French minister and theologian. He labored as a pastor and Professor of Divinity at Geneva, and then at Leiden. [8] Wolfgang Musculus (1497-1563) was a Reformed theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Bern (1549-1563). He has had enduring impacting through his Biblical Commentaries (including his commentary on Matthew, Commentarios in Matthæum evangelistam) and his Locos communes sacræ theologiæ. [9] Enarratio in Evangelium Matthæi. Johannes Œcolampadius (1482-1531) began his career as a cathedral preacher at Basel. During the first motions of reformation in Germany, he sided with Luther on many issues. He allied himself with Zwingli, and through preaching and debate he convinced the magistracy of Basel to embrace the Reformation. He was a man of considerable skill in Greek and Hebrew. [10] Dubia evangelica. Friedrich Spanheim the Elder (1600-1649) studied at Heidelberg and Geneva. He served the academy at Geneva, first as Professor of Philosophy, then as a member of the theological faculty, and finally as rector. In 1642, he was appointed as Professor of Theology at Leiden, and became a prominent defender of Calvinistic orthodoxy against Amyraldianism. [11] Evangelicæ Vindiciæ. Frederic Spanheim the Younger (1632-1701) studied at Leiden and took the doctoral degree in 1651. He was Professor of Divinity at Heidelberg (1655), and later at Leiden (1670), where he replaced Johannes Cocceius, but was a committed Voetian. He excelled in Historical Theology. [12] In Euangelium secundum Matthæum, Marcum, et Lucam commentarii. [13] In Matthæi Evangelium commentarius. David Pareus (1548-1622) was a German Calvinist, serving the Reformed Church as a minister, churchman, and professor. He wrote a number of commentaries on the Old and New Testament Scriptures, and they were held in high estimation among the Reformed. His Commentarius in Epistolam ad Romanos was burned publicly at Oxford and Cambridge in 1622 by order of the Privy Council of James I because of his comments on Romans 13, in which he upholds the right of resistance to tyranny. [14] Schrifturelyke verklaringe des evangeliums na de Beschryvinge Matthei. Johannes Huysinga (1645-1702) was a Dutch Reformed minister. [15] Rumoldus Rombouts (died 1692) was a Dutch Reformed minister. He wrote Schriftuerlijke verklaaring ende godtvruchtige betrachting on Matthew 5-12. [16] Das Evangelium Des heiligen Apostels Matthei Nach gehöriger Erklärung. Salomon van Til (1643-1713) was a Dutch Reformed pastor and theologian. He served as Professor of Church History and Philology at Dordrecht (1685-1702), and of Theology at Leiden (1702-1713). [17] David Dickson (1583-1662) was a Scottish Presbyterian divine. Dickson served his church as a minister and Professor of Divinity at Glasgow and at Edinburgh. He was ejected in 1662, after the Restoration, and he died later that same year. He co-authored the Sum of Saving Knowledge, and he wrote commentaries on the Psalms, the Gospel of Matthew (A Brief Exposition of the Evangel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew), and the Epistles of Paul, including Hebrews. [18] Theologicall Questions, Dogmaticall Observations, and Evangelicall Essays upon the Gospel according to Matthew. Richard Ward (c. 1601-1684) lived through the tumultuous time of the English Civil War, siding with the Parliament. He was a preacher in London. [19] John Price (1600-1676) was born in London and educated at Westminster School. He was converted to Roman Catholicism and served as Superintendant of the Museum at Florence, and then Professor of Greek at Pisa. He retired to St. Augustine’s Convent in Rome. He wrote Annotata ad Psalmos, Matthæum, Lucam, Joannem 10-11, Acta, 1 Corinthios 12, Timotheum, Titum, Philemonem, Jacobum, Johannis, Judam, Apocalypsin. [20] Martin von Kempe (1642-1683) was a German poet and literary historian.

Dr. Dilday's Lecture: "The Humiliation of Christ, Part 2"

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Jun 18, 2020

Interested in speeding the Revelation series along?


Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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