The Apocryphal books are:

I. Ecclesiastical, and those are:
1. Moral:
a. Wisdom: nineteen chapters.
b. Ecclesiasticus, or Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sirach: fifty-one chapters.
2. Historical, and those:
a. Improperly such, or Dramatic:
α. Tobit: fourteen chapters.
β. Baruch: five chapter.
γ. Epistle of Jeremiah: seventy-three verses.
δ. Judith: sixteen chapters.
ε. 3 Esdras: nine chapters.
ζ. 4 Esdras: sixteen chapters.
η. Additions of Esther: six chapters.
θ. History of Susanna: sixty-four verses.
ι. History of Bel: twenty-two verses.
κ. History of the Dragon: twenty verses.
λ. Hymn of Azariah: twenty-seven verses.
μ. Song of the Three Children: forty-one verses.
ν. Prayer of Manasseh: fourteen verses.
b. Properly such:
α. First Book of Maccabees: sixteen chapters.
β. Second Book of Maccabees: fifteen chapters.
γ. Third Book of Maccabees: seven chapters.
II. Those removed from the reading of the Church:
1. Fragments:
a. The Appendices of the Book of Job.
b. Psalm 151.
c. Preface to the Lamentations of Jeremiah.
d. Fragment of Sirach.
2. A whole Book, namely, the Fourth of Maccabees.
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