[1] Commentarii.
[2] In Devteronomion Mosis Iusta Enarratio. In Genesin, Exodum, Leviticum, Numeros, Breviores locorvm Doctrinæ et Phrasium Annotationes.
[3] Commentarius. Jacob Heerbrand (1521-1600) was a German Lutheran theologian and controversialist. He studied under Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon at Wittenberg. Heerbrand enjoyed a long tenure as Professor of Theology at Tubingen (1557-1599).
[4] Commentariorvm in Pentateuchum. Erasmus Marbach (1548-1593) was a Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Stassburg.
[5] In sacri Mosis Pentateuchum. Cyriacus Spangenberg (1528-1604) was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian. He was among the last students of Martin Luther, and a prolific author.
[6] Michel Walther (1593-1662) was a Lutheran theologian. He served as a professor at Helmstatdt and as court-preacher, first at Brunswick and Lineburg, then at East-Friesland.