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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Pentateuch: Reformed Interpreters

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

Johannes Cocceius

REFORMED: Alsted,[1] Aretius,[2] Borrhaus,[3] Burman,[4] Calvin,[5] Cocceius,[6] Cregutus,[7] Drusius,[8] Fagius,[9] Junius,[10] Strigelius.[11] English: Ainsworth,[12] Arthus, Babington,[13] Jackson,[14] Mayer,[15] Tyndale,[16] Wright,[17] Freagius.

William Tyndale

[1] Pentateuchus Mosaica et Pleias Apostolica. Johann Heinrich Alsted (1588-1638) was a German Reformed Pastor, Theologian, and Encyclopedist. He served as Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Herborn (1608-1629).

[2] In Mosis Pentateuchum. Benedictus Aretius (1505-1574) was a Swiss scholar and Reformed Theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Bern (1563-1574). He wrote a commentary on the New Testament.

[3] In Mosem, divinum legislatorem, pædagogum ad Messiam Servatorem mundi. Martin Borrhaus (1499-1564) was a German Protestant reformer and theologian. He served as Professor of Philosophy (1541-1544), and then as Professor of Old Testament (1544-1564) at Basel.

[4] De wet ende het getuigenisse, ofte Uitlegginge ende betragtinge van de verborgentheden ende voornaamste saken des wets, ofte der boeken Mosis. Frans Burman the Younger (1679-1719) was a Dutch Minister and Professor of Theology at Utrecht (1714-1719). He was the son of Frans Burman (1628-1679), a Dutch Reformed and Cartesian Theologian, serving as Professor of Theology (1662-1671) and of Church History (1671-1679) at Utrecht.

[5] Commentaries on the First Book of Moses called Genesis, and Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses: Arranged in the form of a Harmony.

[6] Commentarius in Pentateuchum Mosis.

[7] גלי רזיא, Hoc est Revelator arcanorum, vbi illustriora quæuis ac difficiliora scripturæ oracula noua methodo didacticè ac elencticè enucleantur, quæ in Pentateucho continentur. Antoine Cregut (died 1681) was a French Reformed pastor and theologian; he served as Professor of Theology at Die, and later at Heidelberg.

[8] John Drusius (1550-1616) was a Protestant scholar; he excelled in Oriental studies, Biblical exegesis, and critical interpretation, as is evident from his Annotationibus in Pentateuchum, Josuam, Judices, Ruth, Samuelem, Estheram, Jobum, Coheleth, seu Ecclesiasten, Prophetas Minores, Ecclesiasticum, Tobit, 1 Librum Machabæorum and Notæ Majores in Genesin, Exodum, Leviticum, et Priora 18 Capita Numerorum. He served as Professor of Oriental Languages at Oxford (1572), at Leiden (1577), and at Franeker (1585).

[9] Pentatevchvs, siue Quinque libri Moysi. Paul Fagius (1504-1550) was among the early Reformers and a Hebrew scholar of some ability. He studied in Germany and labored there, first as a schoolmaster, then as a minister. Feeling pressure from the rising tide of the Counter-Reformation, he left Germany for England in 1549, and died at Cambridge in 1550. His bones were later burned during the reign of Queen Mary.

[10] Explicationes Analyticæ.

[11] Libri Moysi: Ad Ebraicam Veritatem Recogniti et argumentis atque scholiis illustrati. Victorinus Strigelius (1524-1569) was a Melanchthonian Lutheran scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Jena (1558-1562), and then at Leipzig (1563-1567). Toward the end of his life, he accepted the Reformed teaching concerning the Lord’s Supper, and was called to the Professorship of History and Ethics at Heidelberg (1567-1569). He commented on much of the Scripture.

[12] Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses.

[13] Comfortable Notes upon the Five Books of Moses. Gervase Babington (c. 1550-1610) was an English Bishop.

[14] A help for the understanding of the Holy Scripture. Arthur Jackson (c. 1593-1666) was an English Presbyterian minister. He lived through the upheavals and difficulties of the English Civil War, and was ejected in 1662 after the Restoration of of the Monarchy and the Act of Uniformity. Jackson devoted his remaining years to his exegetical works.

[15] Commentary. John Mayer (1583-1664) was an English churchman and scholar. He commented on the entire Bible, digesting the remarks of former commentators, ancient and modern, and adding his own.

[16] The Pentateuch.

[17] Abraham Wright (1611-1690) was an Anglican deacon and preacher. In spite of the difficulties, during the English Civil War he remained loyal to the Anglican Church and ritual. He wrote commentaries on the Pentateuch and on the Psalms.



Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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