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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Psalms: Detailed Outline of Book 2

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

42. David, expressing his desire for the living God (verses 1, 2), sets forth his struggles and temptations increasing that desire (verses 3-11).

43. David asks, both God’s judgment against an ungodly nation and the deceitful man (verses 1, 2), and gracious illumination (verses 3, 4); and he, irritated with his own faintheartedness, commands himself to trust in God (verse 5).

44. The Church, with God’s ancient works commemorated (verses 1-3), asks of God, that He might command deliverances for Jacob, so that he might tread his enemies under foot in God’s name (verses 4-8); with the reasons for his petition set forth (verses 9-16), he clear himself from infidelity (verses 17-21), and humbly implores the help of God because of ongoing sufferings (verses 22-26).

45. The Church, singing the praises of Her King and Bridegroom, commends His beauty and grace of speech (verses 1, 2), battles and military service (verses 3-5), kingdom (verses 6-8), family, Kings’ daughters, wife, daughter of the King, children (verses 9-16); and celebrate His eternal memory (verse 17).

46. The Church, commending the almighty protection of God against the assaults of enemies (verses 1-7), invites all to contemplate the works of God (verses 8-10), and gives thanks to God (verse 11).

47. The Church of the Jews exhorts the nations to rejoice in Christ and to praise Him (verses 1, 2), both because of their common calling to the Gospel (verse 3, 4), and gecause of His ascending the throne of majesty (verse 5); whence she again eagerly invites to sing Psalms to the King of the whole earth (verses 6-9).

48. The Psalmist, giving thanks to God for the defense of Jerusalem against enemies (verses 1-8), celebrates the goodness of God (verses 9-11), and declares the magnitude of Jerusalem (verses 12-14).

49. The Psalmist, with the attention of the people acquired (verses 1-4), asserts that nothing is to be feared (verse 5), and he, with vain confidence and comfort in helps rejected (verses 6-14), and with the reason of his confidence set forth (verse 15), demonstrates the uncertainty of the wealth of the wicked (verses 15-20).

50. Asaph, announcing the imminent coming of God unto judgment (verses 1-6), describes the true worship of God, with the false rejected (verses 7-15), threatens the impious with punishment (verses 16-21), and urges repentance, with salvation promised (verses 22, 23).

51. David, with ardent prayer asking for the remission of sins (verses 1-3), testifies of his confidence in a favorable answer, both by confession of his sins, especially of the recent, and of his native corruption (verse 4-6), and by profession of Divine grace and favor (verses 7-9), distinctly imploring the remission of the twofold sin, of adultery and murder (verses 10-15), with the sacrifice of praise and of a contrite heart promised (verses 16, 17), and finally imploring blessing for Zion, and indicating the fruit of a favorable answer (verses 18, 19): Penitential IV.

52. David, speaking against the malice of his accuser, Doeg, and denouncing punishment against him (verses 1-7), glories in the grace of God, and celebrates God (verse 8, 9).

53. It is of the same argument as Psalm 14.

54. David, seeking deliverance from the persecution of Saul (verses 1-3), and testifying of his consolation of soul and confidence (verses 4, 5), gives thanks to God for deliverance (verses 6, 7).

55. David, entreating the defense of himself against the violence of enemies (verses 1-8), prays against them, especially those of his own household (verses 9-15), and, testifying of his confidence in his favorable reception and in the punishment of his enemies (verses 16-21), exhorts to place faith in the one God against enemies (verses 22, 23).

56. David, imploring Divine aid against his enemies (verses 1, 2), testifies of his faith in God (verses 3, 4), detests the injustices and plots of his enemies (verses 5-7), and declares his cry heard, and his intention of trusting God (verses 8-13).

57. David, imploring the grace of God against his enemies, whose cruelty he describes (verses 1-4), narrates the judgment of God against them (verses 5, 6), and promises gratitude to God (verses 7-11).

58. David, remonstrating with the counselors and cortiers of the King (verses 1-5), prays the most grievous judgment of God upon the same (verses 6-9), declaring the joy, peace, and salvation of the pious, conjoined with the glory of God (verses 10, 11).

59. David, surrounded by the servants of Saul, petitions God for deliverance, urging the power of his enemies (verses 1-5), their malice and contempt of the Divine judgment (verses 6, 7), his own faith and hope (verses 8, 9), and glorying in the Divine help (verses 10-15), and professing that he is going to declare the praises of God with a grateful heart (verses 16, 17).

60. David, with the army of the Syrian slaughtered, remembering the straits endured in that war, and the banner of salvation displayed (verses 1-5), exults in the Lord, the author of his victories (verses 6-10), and also implore the help of God thereafter (verses 11, 12).

61. David, imploring the defense of himself in the immediate danger (verses 1, 2), rouses himself to confidence in his protection and favorable hearing (verses 3-5), and asks for a long life for himself (verses 6-8).

62. David, declaring the tranquility of his soul in his faith in God, and strengthening his soul against the plots of enemies (verses 1-7), exhorts the people to place their faith in God alone (verses 8-12).

63. David asks that he, by the benignity of God, be brought back to the tabernacle and sacred worship (verses 1-8), and testifies of his faith in the grace of God and confidence concerning the destruction of his enemies (verses 9-11).

64. David asks for preservation from the hand of conspiring enemies; commemorating their impiety (verses 1-6), he foretells the unforeseen punishment of them coming from heaven, and the peace of the good (verse 7-10).

65. David, in the name of Zion or the Church, declares the praise of God, because of prayer favorably answered (verses 1, 2), sins remitted (verse 3), adoption and election (verse 4), terrible judgments (verse 5), the establishment of the Kingdom, the calming of tumults (verses 6, 7), the conversion of the nations (verse 8), and finally the fertilization and increase of the earth (verses 9-13).

66. The Church, singing the praises of God the savior (verses 1-7), rouses the peoples to do the same, on account of His gracious preservation and proving (verses 8-12); and David also give thanks to God on account of answered prayers (verses 13-20).

67. The Church, imploring God’s grace and blessing (verses 1, 2), adds the fruit of the same obtained, even the conversion of the nations (verses 3-6), and implores continual blessing (verse 7).

68. David, extolling the protection of God against enemies (verses 1, 2), commands an ἐπινίκιον/victory song to be sung to God (verses 3-6), and to yield glory to Him, with His master-works introduced, of which sort are the lawgiving on mount Sinai (verses 7, 8), the exhibition of the Kingdom of grace, and the restraint of enemies (verses 9-17), the ascension of Christ into heaven (verse 18), multifaceted deliverance (verses 19, 20), and the oppression of enemies (verses 21-23). Whence, variously celebrating the glory of God (verses 24-27), he promises the gifts of the nations, and the restraint of the company of the bellicose (verses 28-31), and rouses Kings to praise God (verses 32-35).

69. David, or Christ in his person, imploring the help of God, on account of the greatness of his danger, the multitude of his enemies, and his own innocence (verses 1-5), the hope of the faithful placed in him, his reproach and zeal (verses 6-13), prays earnestly to God, that He might deliver him from so many dnagers (verses 14-18), and confound his enemies (verses 19-21); he, surveying their judgments, triumphs in God’s salvation (verses 22-36.

70. David prays for his deliverance (verse 1), and the confusion of his enemies (verses 2-5).

71. David, praying for himself against his enemies (verses 1-21), returns a prayer of thanksgiving to God for his deliverance (verses 22-24).

72. David, praying to God, that His judgments might be imparted to the King and the King’s son (verse 1), describes successful government (verses 2-7), the size of the Kingdom in the land and beyond (verses 8-11), the happiness of the subjects (verses 12-16), and the eternal glory of the King (verse 17), and blesses the King od Israel (verses 18-20).

2 comentarii

02 iul. 2022

Looks like he numbers the psalms of repentance ( Bußpsalmen ) as Luther did. Thanks for posting this


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
13 iun. 2022

Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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