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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Psalms: Detailed Outline of Book 4

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

90. Moses, with God’s grace and eternity celebrated (verses 1, 2), explains the providence of God in shortening the life of man (verses 3-11), and seeks from God wisdom to number his days, reconciliation, restoration, favor, and perpetual protection (verses 12-17).

91. The faithful testify of their confidence and security in the protection of God (verses 1-13), and God in turn grants to them a favorable hearing, protection, long life, and salvation (verses 12-16).

92. The Church, preparing itself to praise God (verses 1-3), testifies of its joy in the works and counsels of God (verses 4-8), and proclaims the languor and death of enemies, and the vigor and everlasting life of the just (verses 9-15).

93. The Church, celebrating the reign of Jehovah (verse 1), proclaims His Kingdom’s stability (verse 2) and power (verses 3, 4), and the word of the Gospel and righteousness (verse 5).

94. The Church, appealing to God as judge against their fierce persecutors (verses 1-6), vindicates the His judgment and providence (verses 7-11), comforts herself in raging persecutions, with her blessedness and tranquility in persecutions, and the perpetuity of the Divine covenant, acknowledge (verses 12-15); and, with her experience of Divine help and consolation alleged (verses 16-21), she at last celebrates the deliverance of God (verses 22, 23).

95. The Psalmist, celebrating Jehovah, the rock of salvation (verses 1, 2), declares His greatness, glory, power, and works (verses 3-5), exhorts to the worship of Him alone (verses 6, 7), and urges against hardening (verses 8-11).

96. The Psalmist, inviting all nations to sing the praises of God (verses 1-6), enjoins upon the same the duty of glorifying and adoring God (verses 7-10), and announces the coming of Jehovah unto judgment (verses 11-13).

97. The Psalmist, prophesying of the kingdom of Christ, sets forth His throne, solidly founded (verses 1, 2), His power in consuming His enemies and illuminating the Gentiles (verses 3-5), righteousness (verse 6), worship (verse 7), height (verses 8, 9), deliverance from the hand of the impious (verse 10), display of light and joy (verse 11), and again stirs up the just to praise Jehovha (verse 12).

98. The Psalmist, appointing a new song to be sung to the Lord, declares the revelation of His salvation among the nations (verses 1-3), and excites the whole world to rejoice in the King coming to judgment (verses 4-9).

99. The Psalmist sets forth the power of Christ our King, His righteousness and grace towards all (verses 1-4), and commands all to adore and glorify Him after the example of Moses and Aaron (verses 5-9).

100. The Psalmist exhorts the Church to praise God (verses 1, 2), and that because of His gratuitous election, vocation (verses 3, 4), everlasting goodness and grace (verse 5).

101. David, having taken possession of the Kingdom, declares his pious intention in celebrating the Lord, in establishing a life of piety and according to the word of God (verses 1-3), in restraining the impious and fostering the pious (verses 4-8).

102. The Church, afflicted in its straits, supplicating God (verse 1), explains its interconnected calamities (verses 2-11), attempts to move God to mercy, with various reasons adduced (verses 12-18), and celebrates God’s favorable answer to prayer (verses 19-22); and, in new straits, he professes his consolation sought from the immutability of the Divine promises (verses 23-28): Penitential V.

103. David, blessing God on account of the various benefits bestowed upon him, especially the remission of sins, the healing of disease, redemption, etc. (verses 1-6), declares the name of God as altogether worthy of blessing on account of the revelation made to the people of God, His longsuffering, forgiveness of sins, constancy of grace (verses 7-19); finally, he enjoines that praise on all creatures (verses 20-22).

104. The Psalmist, stirring himself to praise the Lord (verse 1), fetches arguments for praise from His works, both of creation (verses 2-26), and of the preservation of all things (verses 27-32), and celebrates God on account of His favorable answer to prayers, and His destruction of the wicked (verses 33-36).

105. The Psalmist, exciting unto the various duties of celebrating the name of the Lord (verses 1-4), distinctly exhorts the seed of Abraham to ruminate upon the wonders, portents, and judgments of God (verses 5, 6), with arguments fetch from the greatness of the one speaking (verse 7), the truth of His promises (verses 8-11), the excellence of the miracles, which are brought in in great number from the history of the people of God (verses 12-45).

106. The Church, rousing all to praise God (verses 1-3), with a reason consider, asks God that He might remember him graciously (verses 4, 5), and, setting forth the confession of the sins of the fathers one by one, and of the mercy of God over against them; both in Egypt (verses 6-12), and in the desert through concupiscence, hatred, idolatry, contempt of the promised land (verses 13-27), the fornication with Baal Peor (verses 28-31), their murmuring (verses 32, 33), and in the land of Canaan (verses 34-46); at the same time seeking from God their regathering from the nations, and celebrating the glory of God (verses 47, 48).

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
23. Juni 2022
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Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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