HOLY FATHERS: Augustine.[1]

REFORMED: Amyraut,[2] de Brais,[3] de la Faye,[4] Gomarus,[5] Johann Jakob Grynæus,[6] Heidegger,[7] Martyr,[8] Musculus,[9] Œcolampadius,[10] Olevian,[11] Pareus,[12] Scultetus,[13] Streso,[14] Theodor Zwinger,[15] Zwingli, Claudius, Jacob Alting,[16] Bucer,[17] Willichius, van Peen. English: Draxe,[18] Palfreyman,[19] Parr,[20] Rollock,[21] Sclater,[22] Willet,[23] Wilson.[24]
LUTHERAN: Arcularius,[25] Bokstadius, Brentius,[26] Bucer,[27] Calovius,[28] Cruciger,[29] Gerhard,[30] Himmel, Hubertus, Lossius,[31] Luther,[32] Melanchthon,[33] Mentzer, Mylius,[34] Wigand,[35] Winkelmann, Spangenberg, Spener.[36]

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Alesius,[37] Cerda,[38] Contzen,[39] Cooperus,[40] Croquetius,[41] Ferus,[42] Ficinus,[43] Grimanus,[44] Mussus,[45] Naclantus,[46] Osorius,[47] Pantusa,[48] Pererius,[49] Perez, Sadoleto,[50] Sogerius, Sixtus Senensis,[51] Soto,[52] Stapleton,[53] Stevartius,[54] Toletus,[55] Vazquez,[56] Viguerius,[57] Ægidius Romanus,[58] Sasbout,[59] Titelmans,[60] de Feu.
ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament, and also of the Pauline Epistles, above.
[1]Expositio quorundam propositionum ex epistola Pauli ad Romanos, and Epistolæ ad Romanos inchoata expositio. [2]Paraphrase sur l'Epistre de Saint Paul aux Romains, and Exposition du chapitre VI de l'épistre de Saint Paul aux Romains. [3]Epistolæ Sancti Pauli Apostoli Ad Romanos Analysis Paraphrastica. Etienne de Brais (c. 1630-c. 1677) was a French Reformed Pastor; he served as Professor of Theology at Saumur (1675-1679). [4]In Divi Pauli apostoli epistolam ad Romanos commentarius. Antione de La Faye (1540-1615) was a French Reformed pastor, theologian, and universal scholar. He served as Professor of Philosophy (1578-1580), and then as Professor of Theology (1581-1610), at Geneva. [5]Analytica Explicatio Epistolæ ad Romanos. [6]Exegesis Epistolae Beati Pavli Apostoli Ad Romanos. [7]Labores exegetici in Josuam, Matthæum, Epistolas Sancti Pauli ad Romanos, Corinthios, et Hebræos. [8]In epistolam Sancti Pauli apostoli ad Romanos. Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1562) began his career as an Augustinian monk, preacher, and lecturer in Italy. Through personal study of the Scripture and the Reformers, he came to embrace the Protestant doctrines. He settled in England and served as Professor of Divinity at Oxford and as Canon of Christ Church. Unhappily, he was forced to flee from England as well, when Mary Tudor took the throne. He settled in Zurich and became Professor of Divinity there. [9]In epistolam apostoli Pauli ad Romanos. [10]In epistolam Pauli ad Romanos adnotationes. [11]In epistolam Divi Pauli apostoli ad Romanos notæ. Caspar Olevian (1536-1587) was an influential German Reformed theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Heidelberg (1561-1562), and at Herborn (1584-1587). His work is important in the development of Covenant Theology. [12]In divinam ad Romanos Sancti Pauli apostoli Epistolam commentarius. [13]In Epistolam ad Romanos concionum ideæ. [14]Conciones in septimum et octavum caput Epistolæ Pauli ad Romanos. [15]Analytica recensio Epistolæ apostoli Pauli ad Romanos. Theodor Zwinger the Younger (1597-1654) was a Swiss Reformed pastor and theologian. At Basel, he served as pastor and Professor of Old Testament. [16]Commentarius Theorico-Practicus in Epistolam Divi Pauli. Jacob Alting (1618-1679) was a Dutch Reformed Theologian and Hebraist. At Groningen he served as Professor of Hebrew (1643-1667), and then as Professor of Theology (1667-1677). [17]Metaphrasis et Enarratio in Epistolam Divi Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos. [18]The Worldes Resurrection, or the general calling of the Jewes: A familiar Commentary upon the eleventh Chapter of Saint Paul to the Romaines. Thomas Draxe (died 1618) was an English churchman, theologian, and classicist. [19]Paraphrase on Romans. Thomas Palfreyman (died c. 1589) was a gentleman of the Royal Chapel of Edward VI. He was a musician, and theological writer. [20]A Plaine Exposition upon the Whole 8-16 Chapters of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans. Elnathan Parr (1577-c. 1632) was an English churchman. Although not a Puritan, his works reveal a warm piety and concern for practical holiness. [21]In epistolam Sancti Pauli apostoli ad Romanos. [22]A Key to the Key of Scripture: an Exposition, with Notes, upon the Epistle to the Romans. William Sclater (1575-1626) was an English churchman. [23]Hexapla, that is, A six-fold commentarie upon the most divine epistle of the holy Apostle Saint Paul to the Romanes. Andrew Willet (1562-1621) was a product of Christ’s College, and he went on to serve the Anglican Church in various ministerial posts. Willet is remembered for his abilities as a commentator, being learned in language, history, and literature; and for his polemical writings against Roman Catholic doctrine. He composed commentaries on several books of the Bible. [24]A commentary on the most divine epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans. Thomas Wilson (1563-1622) was an English churchman with Puritan sympathies. [25]Analysis X et XI Capitis Epistolæ Paulinæ ad Romanos. [26]In Epistolam quam Apostolus Paulus ad Romanos scripsit. [27]Metaphrasis et enarratio in epistolam Divi Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos. [28]Biblia Novi Testamenti Illustrata: exhibens Epistolas Apostolicas Universas. Abraham Calovius (1612-1686) was a champion of Lutheran orthodoxy. He served the University of Wittenberg as Professor of Theology, and later as general superintendent. He opposed Socinians, Roman Catholics, and Calvinists, denying the possibility of the salvation of any of these. His Systema locorum theologicorum stands at the apex of Lutheran scholastic orthodoxy. [29]In Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. [30]Adnotationes ad priora capita epistolæ Divi Pauli ad Romanos. [31]Ad Romanos Epistola Divi Pauli Apostoli. [32]Præfatio methodica totius scripturæ in epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. [33]Annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. [34]Pródromos disputationum ex epistola Pavlina ad Romanos. [35]In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Romanos annotationes. [36]Divi Pauli Apostoli epistolæ ad Romanos et Corinthios homiletica paraphrasi illustratæ. Philipp Jakob Spener (1635-1705) was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian. He is known as the “Father of Pietism”, and as such he was out of step with the Lutheran Orthodoxy of his day. [37]Omnes disputationes Alexandri Alesii de tota epistola ad Romanos diversis temporibus propositæ ab ipso. [38]Commentaria in epistolam Divi Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos. [39]Commentaria in Epistolam Sancti Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos. [40]In XII capite Epistolæ ad Romanos. [41]Commentarii in epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. André du Croquet (died 1580) was a French theologian, and prior of the Abby of Hasnon of the Benedictine Order. [42]Exegesis in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. [43] Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) was an Italian priest and Renaissance scholar. Some of his pursuits were conventional (the translation of Plato and Neo-Platonists into Latin), and some unconventional (the study of astrology, which led to his trial before the Pope in 1489). He wrote a commentary on Romans. [44]Commentarii in Epistolas Pauli ad Romanos. Marino Grimani (c. 1489-1546), descended from an aristocratic Venetian family, was made Bishop of Ceneda in 1508, while he was yet underage, and Cardinal in 1527. [45]In Beati Pauli epsitolam ad Romanos absolutissima Commentaria. Cornelio Musso (1511-1574) was an Italian Franciscan. He served as Bishop of Bitonto and at the Council of Trent, and was renowned as an orator. [46]Enarrationes piæ in epistolam Divi Pauli ad Romanos. Giacomo Nacchiante (1502-1569) was an Italian Dominican theologian, serving as Bishop of Chioggia. [47]In Epistola Sancti Pauli ad Romanos. [48]Commentaria in epistolam ad Romanos. [49]Selectæ Disputationes in Sacram Scripturam: Continens centum octoginta octo Disputationes super Epistola beati Pauli ad Romanos. [50]In Pauli Epistolam ad Romanos Commentarii. Jacopo Sadoleto (1477-1547) was an Italian Cardinal, involved in the Counter-Reformation. Peaceable in disposition and method, he sought to win Protestants back to the Catholic faith by persuasion. He made such an attempt upon Geneva, when Calvin was in exile in Strasbourg, prompting the Genevans to ask Calvin to respond to Sadoleto’s arguments. [51]Bibliotheca sancta ex præcipuis Catholicæ Ecclesiæ auctoribus collecta. [52]In Epistolam Divi Pauli ad Romanos commentarii. Domingo de Soto (1494-1560) was a Spanish Dominican priest and Thomistic theologian. His work was seminal in the development of international law. [53]Antidota apostolica contra nostri tempori hæreses… in Acta Apostolorum inque Epistolam Diui Pauli ad Romanum. [54]Brevis explicatio octo priorum capitum epistolæ divi Pauli ad Romanos. Petrus Stevartius (1549-1624) was a Roman Catholic theologian and Professor of Exegesis at Ingolstadt. [55]Commentarii et annotationes in Epistolam Beati Pauli apostoli ad Romanos. [56]Paraphrasis et compendiaria explicatio ad nonnullas Pauli epistolas. Gabriel Vazquez (c. 1550-1604) was a Spanish Jesuit theologian. He was a devotee of Augustine and Aquinas. [57]In epistolam ad Romanos. Jean Viguier (died c. 1550) was a French Dominican philosopher and theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Toulouse (1527-1550). [58]In Epistolam Beati Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos commentarii. Giles of Rome (c. 1243-1316) was Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine, Archbishop of Bourges, and a Scholastic theologian (the Doctor Fundatissimus). [59]In omnes Divi Pauli et quorundam aliorum apostolorum epistolas explicatio. Adam Sasbout (1516-1553) was a Dutch Franciscan. He taught the Biblical text at the monastery in Leuven. [60]Collationes quinque super epistolam ad Romanos beati Pauli apostoli.
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