HOLY FATHERS: Anselm, Ambrose, Bede, Chrysostom,[1] Jerome,[2] Œcumenius, Primasius,[3] Theophylact, Theodoret, Sedulius,[4] Haymo,[5] Radulphus Flaviacensis.[6]

REFORMED: Calvin, Johannes Crocius,[7] Hyperius,[8] Laurentius,[9] Viret, Zanchi.[10] English: Dickson,[11] Featley,[12] Ferguson.[13]
LUTHERAN: Balduin, Bugenhagen,[14] Cluverus,[15] Hemmingius,[16] Heshusen,[17] Hunnius,[18] Major,[19] Lucas Osiander,[20] Selnecker, Spangenberg.[21]
ROMAN CATHOLIC: Arboreus, Catharinus,[22] Contarini,[23] Estius,[24] Eutholius, Ferus,[25] Gorcomius,[26] Guilbertus, Guilliaud,[27] Hales,[28] Hontoyr,[29] Jansen, Justinianus, Lombard,[30] Lopez, Lubinus, Novarinus,[31] Prateolus,[32] Sabout, Serarius,[33] Titelmans,[34] Hugh of Saint Victor,[35] Richard of Saint Victor,[36] Bruno,[37] Thomas Aquinas, Gregory of Rimini,[38] Gagnæus.[39]

ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament above.
[1] Homilies on all of the Pauline Epistles survive from Chrysostom. [2] Jerome wrote on Galatians, Ephesians, Titus, and Philemon. [3] Primasius (sixth century) was Bishop of Adrumentum in Africa, and a disciple of Augustine. He wrote Commentarium in Apocalypsim. The commentaries on the Pauline Epistles may be spurious. [4]Collectanea in omnes beati Pauli Epistolas. Sedulius Scotus (mid-ninth century) was an Irish monk, teacher, and Biblical commentator. He was forced from his native land by Norse Vikings, and settled to teach in Liège, Belgium. [5]In Epistolas Pauli omnes. Haymo of Halberstadt (died 853) was a German Benedictine monk and Bishop of Halberstadt. He studies under Alcuin with his friend, Rabanus Maurus. [6] Radulphus Flaviacensis (c. 1063-c. 1122) was a Benedictine monk and scholar of the abby of Fleury-sur-Loire. He wrote commentaries on Genesis, Proverbs, Nahum, the Epistles of Paul, and Revelation. [7]Commentarius Epistolarum Sancti Pauli Apostoli. Johannes Crocius (1590-1659) was a Reformed theologian. He was appointed as Professor of Theology at Marburg (1618), at Kassel (1629), and then again at Marburg (1653). [8]Commentarii in Omnes Pauli Apostoli Epistolas. Andreas Hyperius (1511-1564) was a Flemish Protestant theologian. He endeavored to mediate between Reformed and Lutheran theology, and so holds an important position in both traditions. Hyperius served as Professor of Theology at Marburg (1541-1564). [9]Explicatio locorum difficilium in Epiftolis Paulinis. Jacob Laurentius (1585-1644) was a Dutch Reformed minister. [10] Girolamo Zanchi (1516-1590) was an Italian Reformed theologian. At the age of fifteen, he entered the monastery of the Augustinian Order of Regular Canons. He came under the personal influence of Peter Martyr Vermigli; and the writings of the Reformers, especially Calvin, had a profound impact upon his thinking. Zanchi served as Professor of Old Testament at Strassburg (1553-1563), and Professor of Theology at Heidelberg (1568-1577). He wrote commentaries on Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. [11]An exposition of all St. Paul’s epistles together with an explanation of those other epistles of the apostles St. James, Peter, John and Jude. [12] Daniel Featley (1582-1645) was an English churchman and scholar. He was a thorough-going Calvinist, but committed to the Church of England, episcopacy, and Charles I. Although seated in the Westminster Assembly, he refused the Solemn League and Covenant, and defended episcopacy. Featley withdrew from the Assembly out of loyalty to Charles I, and was arrested as a spy. He died shortly after his release. Featley’s comments on the Pauline Epistles are included in the English Annotations. [13]A brief exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. James Ferguson (1621-1667) was a Scottish minister (ordained in 1643) and scholar. Although he sided with the Resolutioners against the Protesters, he confessed his error shortly before his death. [14]Annotationes in epistolas Pauli ad Galatas, Ephesios, Philippenses, Colossenses, Thessalonicenses primam et secundam, Timotheum primam et secundam Titum, Philemonem, Hebraeos. [15] Johannes Cluverus (1593-1633) was a German Lutheran Pastor and Theologian; he wrote Orthotomiam Apostolicam, Omnium Quatuordecim Epistolarum Pauli Apostoli veram analysin. [16]Commentaria in omnes Epistolas Apostolorum. [17]Commentarius in Omnes Pauli Epistolas, et Eam Quae Scripta Est Ad Hebræos. Tilemann Heshusen (1527-1588) was a Gnesio-Lutheran churchman, theologian, and controversialist. He served as Professor of Theology at Rostock, Heidelberg, Jena, and Helmstedt. [18] Hunnius wrote commentaries on each of the Pauline Epistles. [19]Enarrationes Epistolarum Sancti Pavli. [20]Epistolæ Sancti Pauli Apostoli Omnes Quotquot Extant. [21]Explicationes Evangeliorum et epistolarum. [22] Lancelot Politi, also known as Ambrosius Catharinus (1483-1553) was an Italian Dominican scholar, who played a prominent role at the Council of Trent in defense of the Papacy against the Reformation. In spite of theological eccentricities, he was considered to be an orthodox Romanist. Catharinus wrote commentaries on several books of the Bible, including the New Testament Epistles (Commentaria in omnes diui Pauli, et alias septem canonicas Epistolas). [23]Scholia in epistolas Divi Pauli. Gasparo Contarini (1483-1542) was an Italian cardinal and diplomat. He was supportive of dialogue with emerging Protestantism. [24] William Estius (1542-1613) labored first as a lecturer on Divinity, then as the Chancellor at Doway. Theologically, he bears the imprint of the modified Augustinianism of Michael Baius. In his commentary writing, as exemplified in his Commentarii in Sacram Scripturam and Commentarii in Epistolas Apostolicas, he focuses on the literal meaning of the text; and he is widely regarded for his exegetical skill and judgment. [25]Postillæ in epistolas et evangelia. [26] That is, William Estius, born in Gorcum, a county of Holland. [27]Collatio in omnes divi Pauli apostoli epistolas. Claude Guilliaud (1493-1551) was a French theologian. He held several benefices in Autun. His Collatio was censored, and the prohibition was lifted only after a revision. [28]Postilla seu expositio litteralis et moralis Nicolai de Lira ordinis minorum super epistolas et evangelia quadragesimalia. Alexander of Hales (c. 1185-1245), the Doctor Irrefragibilis and Theologorum Monarcha, was a Franciscan theologian. He is an important figure in the development of Scholasticism, being among the first to make use of Aristotle, organizing the teaching of theology around Lombard’s Sentences, and training the next generation of Franciscan theologians. [29]Mens Apostolica: Hoc est, Commentarii De Genuino Sensu Apostolicarum Epistolarum. Pierre Hontoyr (flourished c. 1600) was a Flemish Franciscan. [30]In omnes Divi Pauli Apostoli Epistolas collectanea. [31]Paulus Expensus. [32]Omnes Divi Pauli atque Canonicæ epistolæ. Gabriel Prateolus (1511-1588) was a French Roman Catholic theologian. He taught theology at the College of Navarre, and was a zealous opponent of the Reformation. [33]Prolegomena Bibliaca et commentaria in omnes epistolas canonicas. [34]Elucidatio in omnes epistolas apostolicas. [35] Hugh of Saint Victor (c. 1096-1141) was a Saxon Canon Regular, and influential mystical theologian. His annotations on the Pentateuch, Judges, Ruth, Kings, Lamentations, and some Psalms survive. The Quæstiones et Decisiones in Epistolas Sancti Pauli are probably incorrectly ascribed to him. [36] Richard of Saint Victor (died 1173) was a Scottish Canon Regular, and an influential philosopher and mystical theologian. He was Prior of the Augustinian Abbey of Saint Victor in Paris. [37]Brunonis Expositio admodum peculiaris in omnes divi Pauli epistolas. Bruno of Cologne (c. 1030-1101) was the founder of the Carthusian Order, personally establishing its first two communities., and a philosopher and theologian of some reputation. He wrote commentaries on Paul’s Epistles and on the Psalms. [38]In omnes divi Pauli epistolas. Gregory of Rimini (c. 1300-1358), sometimes called Doctor Acutus or Authenticus, was one of the great scholastic philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages. He is most remembered for his lectures on Lombard’s Sentences, capturing his Augustinianism and modified Nominalism. [39]Brevissima et facillima in omnes diui Pauli Epistolas scholia.
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