The parts:
I. The Exordium, and the seizing of benevolence in it: chapter 1:1-15.
II. The treatment of the argument, concerning the revelation of righteousness by faith, and precepts for living: chapters 1:16-15:14. Where are:
1. The Thesis concerning the revelation of the righteousness of God by faith: chapter 1:16, 17.
2. The demonstration of the Thesis, in which it is taught:
a. That the righteousness of God is revealed:
α. Not by works, with respect to:
א. The Gentiles: chapter 1:18-32.
ב. The Jews: chapter 2.
ג. Both: chapter 3:1-20.
β. But by faith alone; where it is taught:
א. That we are justified by faith alone: chapter 3:21-31.
ב. By the examples of David and Abraham: chapter 4.
ג. That the righteousness by faith is true, because it furnishes peace, and the condemnation of the first Adam was true: chapter 5: it draws after itself newness of life: chapter 6: this righteousness transfers us to a new Lord: chapter 7: it frees from condemnation, and certainly glorifies: chapter 8.
b. That the righteousness of God is revealed from faith, first to the Jew, then to the Greek: chapters 9-11: where it is taught:
α. That the promises made to the Jews are certain, although not all be saved: chapter 9.
β. That the Jews strayed from the intention of the law, and that now all believers, even of the Gentiles, are saved: chapter 10.
γ. That nevertheless the Jews were not completely cast off, and that after a hardening they are going to be converted again: chapter 11.
3. Precepts for life: chapters 12:1-15:14.
a. Moral, duties owed to God and to the neighbor: chapter 12.
b. Political, mutual duties due to the Magistrate and to citizens: chapter 13.
c. Ceremonial, concerning,
α. The upholding of the weak, and the avoidance of scandal in the use of things indifferent: chapter 14.
β. The bearing of the infirmities of the weak, after the example of Christ: chapter 15:1-14.

III. The Epilogue, chapter 15:15-16:27: in which Saint Paul:
1. Commending the Epistle, explains the reason and occasion of the writing of the same to the Romans: chapter 15:15-33.
2. Commending Phebe, salutes the faithful, commands schismatics to be watched, salutes the Romans in the name of his companions, and concludes, glorifying God: chapter 16.
Dr. Dilday's Lecture: "A Pauline Miscellany, Part 1"
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