The Parts of this Prophecy are five, according to the number of Visions:
I. The first Vision, wherein God urges the conversion of the people, Chapter 1:1-6.
II. The second Vision, or nine Emblems, whereby the Kingdom of Christ is adumbrated, Chapters 1:7-6:15. See:
1. The Emblem of the horseman among the myrtles: chapter 1:7-17.
2. Of four horns and four carpenters: chapter 1:18-21.
3. Of an Angel with a measuring line: chapter 2.
4. Of judgment: chapter 3.
5. Of the candlestick with two olive trees: chapter 4.
6. Of the flying scroll: chapter 5:1-4.
7. Of an Ephah: chapter 5:5-11.
8. Of four chariots: chapter 6:1-8.
9. Of crowns: chapter 6:9-15.
III. The third Vision, Chapters 7; 8: in which are:
1. The occasion of the Prophecy: chapter 7:1-3.
2. The Prophecy:
a. Concerning true fasting: chapter 7:4-14.
b. Concerning the blessing of the people: chapter 8.
IV. The fourth Vision, Chapters 9-11: in which are:
1. The calling of the Gentiles: chapter 9.
2. The progress of the Gospel: chapter 10.
3. The destruction of the Jewish polity, and Christ, the coming Shepherd: chapter 11.
V. The fifth Vision, Chapters 12-14: in which are:
1. The afflictions of the Church, and the grace of the Holy Spirit: chapter 12.
2. The promise of a fount opened; judgment against idolaters; etc.: chapter 13.
3. The occupation of Jerusalem, the destruction of the nations, and the Kingdom of Christ: chapter 14.
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