The sons of Israel; of Judah by Tamar: the children of Jesse, 1-17. Of Caleb the son of Hezron; of him by the daughter of Machir, 18-21. Of Jerahmeel, 25-33. Of Sheshan, 34-41. Another branch of Caleb’s posterity, 42-49. Of Caleb the son of Hur, 50-55.
Matthew Henry: 'We have now come to what was principally intended, the register of the children of Israel, that distinguished people, that were to "dwell alone, and not be reckoned among the nations." Here we have, I. The names of the twelve sons of Israel, verses 1-2. II. An account of the tribe of Judah, which has the precedency, not so much for the sake of David as for the sake of the Son of David, our Lord, who sprang out of Judah, Hebrews 7:14. 1. The first descendants from Judah, down to Jesse, verses 3-12. 2. The children of Jesse, verses 13-17. 3. The posterity of Hezron, not only through Ram, from whom David came, but through Caleb (verse…
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