Samuel having appointed a king unto the people, testifieth his own integrity, to which they witness, 1-5. He setteth before them the sins of their ancestors, and their own sin in asking a king, 6-13; comforts them if they will obey the Lord; threateneth the disobedient; terrifies them by thunder in harvest: they confess their sin, and desire to be reconciled to the Lord, 14-19. He comforts and exhorts them to fear and serve the Lord; promising also to pray for them, 20-25.
Matthew Henry: 'We left the general assembly of the states together, in the close of the foregoing chapter; in this chapter we have Samuel's speech to them, when he resigned the government into the hands of Saul, in which, I. He clears himself from all suspicion or imputation of mismanagement, while the administration was in his hands, verses 1-5. II. He reminds them of the great things God had done for them and for their fathers, verses 6-13. III. He sets before them good and evil, the blessing and the curse, verses 14-15. IV. He awakens them to regard what he said to them, by calling to God for thunder, verses 16-19. V. He encourages them with hopes that al…
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