Saul, by the discovery of the Ziphites, cometh to Hachilah against David, 1-3; who cometh with Abishai to Saul’s camp; stayeth him from killing Saul, but taketh his spear and cruse, 4-12. He upbraideth Abner, 16; exhorteth Saul, 17-20, who acknowledgeth his sin, 21-25.
Jonathan Edwards' Types of Messiah: 'David was of an humble, meek, and merciful spirit. 1 Samuel 18:23; 2 Samuel 6:21-22; 7:18; 1 Samuel 24 throughout, and 1 Samuel 26 throughout; 2 Samuel 2:5, 21; 4:9, etc.; 7:18; 22:26 and many places in the Psalms show the same spirit, too many to be mentioned. This is agreeable to what is said of the Messiah, Zechariah 9:9, "He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on an ass, and a colt the fool of an ass." Isaiah 42:3, "A bruised reed shall he not break," etc. Isaiah 40:11, "He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.…
Matthew Henry: 'David's troubles from Saul here begin again; and the clouds return after the rain, when one would have hoped the storm had blown over, and the sky had cleared upon that side; but after Saul had owned his fault in persecuting David, and acknowledged David's title to the crown, yet here he revives the persecution, so perfectly lost was he to all sense of honour and virtue. I. The Ziphites informed him where David was (verse 1), and thereupon he marched out with a considerable force in quest of him, verses 2-3. II. David gained intelligence of his motions (verse 4), and took a view of his camp, verse 5. III. He and one of his men venture…
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