The Philistines place the ark of God at Ashdod in the house of Dagon; which falls down, once and again, 1-5. They of Ashdod are smitten with emerods; they send the ark to Gath, 6-8. They are also smitten with emerods, and send the ark to Ekron; they resolve to return it back to the Israelites, 9-12.
Thomas Brook's "The Privy Key of Heaven": 'Look, what the ark of God was to the Philistines, 1 Samuel 5, that closet-duties are to Satan; he trembles every time he sees a poor sinner go into his closet and come out of his closet, resting and glorying in Jesus...'
Matthew Henry: 'It is now time to enquire what has become of the ark of God; we cannot but think that we shall hear more of that sacred treasure. I should have thought the next news would have been that all Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, had gathered together as one man, with a resolution to bring it back, or die in the attempt; but we find not any motion made of that kind, so little was there of zeal or courage left among them. Nay, we do not find that they desired a treaty with the Philistines about the ransom of it, or offered any thing in lieu of it. "It is gone, and let it go." Many hav…