The Philistines consult with the priests how they shall return the ark: they advise to send with it for a trespass-offering five golden emerods and mice, on a new cart which they do: the kine tied to the cart, go straightway to Beth-shemesh; which was for a sign to the Philistines, 1-12. They of Beth-shemesh rejoice: the Levites offer sacrifice for it, 13-15. The people are smitten for looking into the ark; and request them of Kirjath-jearim to fetch it thence into their own city, 19-21.
Matthew Henry: 'In this chapter we have the return of the ark to the land of Israel, whither we are now gladly to attend it, and observe, I. How the Philistines dismissed it, by the advice of their priests (verses 1-11), with rich presents to the God of Israel, to make an atonement for their sin (verses 3-5), and yet with a project to bring it back, unless Providence directed the kine, contrary to their inclination, to go to the land of Israel, verses 8-9. II. How the Israelites entertained it. 1. With great joy and sacrifices of praise, verses 12-18. 2. With an overbold curiosity to look into it, for which many of them were struck dead, the terro…
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