Absalom stealeth the hearts of Israel, 1-6. Under pretence of a vow obtaineth leave to go to Hebron: there with Ahithophel’s aid he conspires to be king, 7-12. David fleeth from Jerusalem with all his men; leaveth ten of his concubines, 13-37.
Henry Balnaves' On Justification: 'The holy king David, for the slaughter of Uriah, and adultery of Bathsheba, suffered much, as ye may read, 2 Sam 13; 2 Sam 15-16 and 2 Sam 18. This example of David pertains as well to you as to princes, and to all estates of the world, that they may learn not to sin. And, if they fall in sin, that they despair not, but turn to repentance, and come unto God, whose will is that all be safe, and come to the knowledge of the verity.'
Matthew Henry: 'Absalom's name signifies "the peace of his father," yet he proves his greatest trouble; so often are we disappointed in our expectations from the creature. The sword entailed upon David's house had hitherto been among his children, but now it begins to be drawn against himself, with this aggravation, that he may thank himself for it, for, had he done justice upon the murderer, he would have prevented the traitor. The story of Absalom's rebellion begins with this chapter, but we must go over three or four more before we see the end of it. In this chapter we have, I. The arts Absalom used to insinuate himself into the people's affections, ver. 1-6. II. His open avowa…
Henry Balnaves' On Justification: 'The holy king David, for the slaughter of Uriah, and adultery of Bathsheba, suffered much, as ye may read, 2 Sam 13; 2 Sam 15-16 and 2 Sam 18. This example of David pertains as well to you as to princes, and to all estates of the world, that they may learn not to sin. And, if they fall in sin, that they despair not, but turn to repentance, and come unto God, whose will is that all be safe, and come to the knowledge of the verity.'
Matthew Henry: 'Absalom's name signifies "the peace of his father," yet he proves his greatest trouble; so often are we disappointed in our expectations from the creature. The sword entailed upon David's house had hitherto been among his children, but now it begins to be drawn against himself, with this aggravation, that he may thank himself for it, for, had he done justice upon the murderer, he would have prevented the traitor. The story of Absalom's rebellion begins with this chapter, but we must go over three or four more before we see the end of it. In this chapter we have, I. The arts Absalom used to insinuate himself into the people's affections, ver. 1-6. II. His open avowa…
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