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Poole's Outline of 2 Samuel 6: The Ark's Procession to Zion

David fetcheth the ark with much people and great joy out of the house of Abinadab, 1-5.  Uzzah laying hold of the ark is slain of God:  David is grieved; carries the ark into the house of Obed-edom, whom God blesseth for its sake, 6-11.  David bringeth the ark into Zion with sacrifices; danceth before it; for which Michal despiseth him, 12-16.  They place it in a tabernacle:  he offereth to God; blesseth the people; giveth them presents, 17-19.  Michal reproving David, he answereth her:  she is childless to her death, 20-23.


Jonathan Edwards' Types of Messiah: 'David provided a settled habitation for God, and God is represented as through his favour to David taking up a settled abode with them, no more walking in a movable tent and tabernacle that might be taken down, and giving Israel a constant abode, that they might no more be afflicted, and carried into captivity; 2 Samuel 7:6, 10, 24; according to many prophecies of the Messiah. David provided a place for God's habitation in Zion and in mount Moriah; agreeably to Zechariah 6:12, "He shall build the temple of the Lord." David brought up the ark to abide in the midst of God's people; after it had departed into the land of the Philistines…


Thomas Boston's "Christ Demanding Admission into Sinners' Hearts": 'Psalm 24:9.—Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

This psalm is judged to have been composed when David brought up the ark from the house of Obed Edom to mount Zion, 2 Samuel 6, to be sung on that occasion, and others like it, particularly on the bringing of the ark into the temple, which was afterwards to be built, to which the Psalmist seems here, by the spirit of prophecy, to have a special reference.

The ark was a type of Christ, and so this psalm concerns him. The sum of it is, that though all…


Matthew Henry: 'The obscurity of the ark, during the reign of Saul, had been as great a grievance to Israel as the insults of the Philistines. David, having humbled the Philistines and mortified them in gratitude for that favour, and in pursuance of his designs for the public welfare, is here bringing up the ark to his own city, that it might be near him, and be an ornament and strength to his new foundation. Here is, I. An attempt to do it, which failed and miscarried. The design was well laid, verses 1-2. But, 1. They were guilty of an error in carrying it in a cart, verses 3-5. 2. They were punished for that error by the sudde…


Study 2 Samuel with the Illustrious Matthew Poole! 

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