Ruth gleaning in the fields of Boaz, her deceased husband’s near kinsman, he taketh knowledge of her, 1-7. He showeth her great kindness, and blesseth her, 8-16. That which she got she brings to Naomi; and telleth her what had befallen her. She giveth God thanks, and exhorteth Ruth to continue in the field, 17-23.
Matthew Henry: 'There is scarcely any chapter in all the sacred history that stoops so low as this to take cognizance of so mean a person as Ruth, a poor Moabitish widow, so mean an action as her gleaning corn in a neighbour's field, and the minute circumstances thereof. But all this was in order to her being grafted into the line of Christ and taken in among his ancestors, that she might be a figure of the espousals of the Gentile church to Christ, Isaiah 54:1. This makes the story remarkable; and many of the passages of it are instructive and very improvable. Here we have, I. Ruth's humility and industry in gleaming corn, Providence directing her to Boaz'…
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