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Wendelin's "Christian Theology": Doctrine of Creation Outline

Thesis I: The external works of God.

Explanation: * 1. The agreement of the divine decrees and of the execution of the same. 2. The difference. 3. How the works of the Most Holy Trinity ad extra are undivided and divided.

Thesis II: The distribution of the external works of God.

Thesis III: Creation is defined.

Explanation: Why creation is called an external action of God.

Thesis IV: The causes and effects of creation are to be considered.

Thesis V: The efficient of creation.

Explanation: 1. Creation, the work of God alone, necessarily reveals God. 2. In what sense is creation attributed to the Father alone in the Apostles’ Creed? 3. Creation does not admit an instrument.

Thesis VI: The matter of the works of creation.

Explanation: The works of the first day created ex nihilo: whence the works of the remaining days. The matter of the works of the first day coexisting.

Thesis VII: The form of creation.

Explanation: 1. The four requisites of creation. Primary and secondary creation. 2. In the first constitution of things four degrees are observed. * 3. That the world was created by God of His free will.

Thesis VIII: The end of creation.

Explanation: God shows His perfection in the temporal creation of the world.

Thesis IX: The effects of creation

Explanation: 1. The works of the individual days. 2. God’s wisdom, power, and goodness shines forth from the series of created things. 3. When was the world created?

Thesis X: Among the works of creation, Angels and men hold the principal place.

Thesis XI: An angel is described.

Explanation: 1. It is proven that Angels pertain to the works of creation. It is probable that the Angels were created on the first day. 2. The description of the angel is explained. The threefold acquaintance of Angels. Why were all Angels created at the same time. * 3. The derangements of the Hermetics and Paracelsians concerning various sorts of Spirits.

Thesis XII: Man is described.

Thesis XIII: The efficient of man.

Explanation: The prerogative of man above other corporeal creatures.

Thesis XIV: The matter of man.

Thesis XV: The form of man, the image of God or conformity with God.

Explanation: Both men and Angels made according to the image of God.

Thesis XVI: The soul of man is conformed to God.

Thesis XVII: The soul of man is conformed to God, with respect to nature.

Explanation: * 1. It is proven with five reasons that the soul of man is a substance. 2. It is proven that the soul of man is Spirit. 3. It is proven to be immortal.

Thesis XVIII: With respect to faculties.

Explanation: In what things does the nature of free choice consist?

Thesis XIX: With respect to habits.

Explanation: 1. The image of God principally consists in holiness and righteousness. 2. The wisdom and Holiness of the first man.

Thesis XX: The conformity of man with God, with respect to body.

Thesis XXI: With respect to the whole person.

Explanation: 1. Dominion over the beasts, after the Fall, is withdrawn from man, not so much by God, s by man: incorrectly. The perfect felicity of the first man. 2. An objection of the Photinians against the image of God is resolved. Arguments against the immortality of man in his innocence are resolved. 3. It is proven against the Papists that the original righteousness in the first man was natural. 4. The contrary arguments of the Papists are resolved. 5. That the immortality of the first men was natural.

Thesis XXII: The end of the creation of man.

Explanation: 1. Man especially illustrates the glory of God. 2. A question is resolved: Whether the end of the creation of man, intended by God, was eternal life?

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
21 de abr. de 2023
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