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Wendelin's "Christian Theology": Doctrine of Election Outline

Writer: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

Thesis I: The divine works are distinguished

Thesis II: The internal works of God are defined.

Explanation: 1. The internal works of God are divided. * 2. The divine acts are purely external, purely internal, and mixed. The decrees of God are improperly called the works of God. 3. All the decrees of God are eternal and immutable.

Thesis III: There is a decree of creation: or of government.

Thesis IV: The decree of creation is defined.

Thesis V: The decree of government is defined and distinguished.

Explanation: * 1. Angels are among the objects of predestination. 2. The similarities and differences between the predestination of Angels and of men.

Thesis VI: Predestination is defined.

Thesis VII: Predestination is divided.

Explanation: Predestination includes election and reprobation.

Thesis VIII: Election is defined.

Thesis IX: The causes and adjuncts of Election.

Thesis X: The efficient of election, principal or impulsive.

Thesis XI: The principal efficient of Election is God.

Explanation: The principal efficient is proven out of Scripture.

Thesis XII: The impulsive efficient.

Explanation: 1. It is proven that God was led by His own good pleasure alone to ordain some unto salvation. 2. The opinion of the Lutherans and of the Papists is set forth and opposed. 3. The arguments of the Lutherans for foreseen faith are refuted. 4. The tolerable opinion of some Papists concerning election. The arguments of some Papists for the foresight of works are refuted. 5. In what sense the decree of election is absolute, and in what sense it is not absolute. The calumny of Eckhard is repelled. 6. The arguments of Eckhard are refuted.

Thesis XIII: The material of election is man as sinner.

Explanation: 1. The notion of material is restrained to men alone. 2. It is proven that the object of election is man as sinner. The order of the divine decrees concerning man. 3. It is proven that only certain men are elect. 4. The arguments of the Lutherans for a decree of God concerning the salvation of all men are refuted. 5. The opinion of those that assert that God decreed to save all and each under the condition of faith is refuted. 6. The Lutherans weaken their own opinion. The evasion is met. 7. It is proven that of sinners fewer are chosen to eternal life. 8. God principally chose the contemptible in the world.

Thesis XIV: The end of Election.

Thesis XV: The adjuncts of Election, inhering and consequent.

Thesis XVI: Inhering adjuncts of election, eternity and immutability.

Explanation: 1. It is proven that election is eternal. 2. It is proven that it is immutable. 3. A notable saying of Fulgentius. Arguments against immutable election are refuted.

Thesis XVII: Consequent adjuncts.

Thesis XVIII: The means ordains for the execution of election.

Explanation: 1. Means are proven from the Sacred Books. 2. A consideration of means enters also into the decree of election.

Thesis XIX: The certainty of election in us.

Explanation: 1. A practical syllogism concerning the certainty of election. 2. The certainty of election does not beget carnal security in man. The arguments of the Papists against the certainty of election are refuted.

1 comentário

Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
17 de fev. de 2023

Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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