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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Wendelin's "Christian Theology": Doctrine of Sacrifices and Sacraments in General Outline

Thesis I:  Signs joined to the word.

Thesis II:  The definition of sacrifice.

Explanation:  1.  A sacrifice, properly so called, is a sign of the Messiah to be exhibited.  2.  In a sacrifice, properly so called, two things are especially to be observed.

Thesis III:  The definition of a Sacrament.

ExplanationVarious meanings of the term Sacrament.

Thesis IV:  The principal Efficient of a Sacrament.

Explanation:  * 1.  God is the institutor of Sacraments.  2.  Christ, out of the flesh and in the flesh, institutes the same.

Thesis V:  The word is the Instrument.

Explanation:  1.  The parts of the word of institution.  2.  It is proven, that the administration of the Sacraments is committed to ministers of the word alone:  and that the intention of the administering minister is not necessarily required for a saving use.  3.  The contrary arguments of the Papists are refuted.

Thesis VI:  The Matter.

Thesis VII:  The external Matter.

Explanation:  1.  In which respect the external signs are not bare signs.  * 2.  Although corporal, nevertheless also spiritual.

Thesis VIII:  The internal Matter.

ExplanationThe blessings sealed in the Sacraments.

Thesis IX:  The Form.

Explanation:  1.  What the signification, sealing, and presentation are.  2.  Sacramental proclamations and expressionsWhence the explanation of the Sacramental expressions?  3.  The arguments of the Lutherans against the form assigned to the Sacrament by us.  4.  In which sense our men contend, that the union of the sacramental signs and the things signified is merely σχετικὴν/relative.

Thesis X:  The End.

Explanation:  * 1.  Sacraments are efficacious means of grace:  in a threefold manner they assist our infirmity.  2.  Less principal ends of the Sacraments.

Thesis XI:  The Effect.

Explanation:  1.  In what sense the Sacraments are called seals of the wordThe effect of the Sacraments is shown.  2.  The opinion of the Papists and Anabaptists concerning faith and the effect of the SacramentsThe arguments of the Papists and Anabaptists refuted.  3.  Certain arguments of the Orthodox against the opinion of the Papists, concerning the physical efficacy of the Sacraments in producing justification and regeneration.  4.  The agreements and differences of the words and Sacraments.  In what sense are the Sacraments ordinary organs of conferring grace?

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